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Karai's P.O.V

The humans and I walked through a creepy looking lair that was built inside the mountain. We walked down a path and my eyes widened when I saw mutant rats throwing stuff in a fire and building some kind of machine. I also wince a little when I saw them getting whipped.

We went down the path until we reached the last floor. The soldiers took the cuffs off us and put us in a line. They then brought out a wheelbarrow full of cloaks. "All of you put these on!" One of them ordered.

We all immediately put on the cloaks. The cloaks covered us from head to toe, the only part of us that was not covered were our eyes. "Ah, my shipment has finally arrived! Welcome to your new home, my children!"

A voice said and I looked to see a tall man wearing a black robe and a weird looking hat. His face and arms were also covered in bandages. This must be the RatKing. 'Wow, Raph was right, he does look like he's wearing a sad Halloween costume.'

"Hmm?" He rubbed his chin. "I had only asked for 15 humans. Why do I see 16?"

"We found this one on the mountain, she spotted us, we didn't know what else to do with her." One of the soldiers responded while pointing at me.

RatKing came closer to me. "Well, the more the merrier! What was a little girl like you doing all alone on the mountain in the middle of the night?"

Who does he think he's calling 'little girl'! I'll turn in my snake form and show him how little I am! "Camping. Family tradition. You should try doing some outdoor activities, your pale skin can certainly use it."

I insulted but I couldn't resist mocking Shinigami's voice when I did. I smiled at myself as I thought about what she would say to a messing and dirty place like this. She probably would have a heart attack.

RatKing growled. "Watch your mouth girl! You wouldn't want to upset your new king, would you?"

I looked up and down at him. "King? The only thing you will ever be king of is king of the brainless."

A soldier laughed a little but immediately stopped when the RatKing looked at him. He then looked back at me and I glared at him. His brows seemed to raise in interest. "Your eyes...they look an awful lot like-

"AHHH!!" The RatKing was interrupted when a woman screamed. I followed her eyes to see two uncloaked mutant rats walk by. She ran to the RatKing and gripped his robe. "Is that what you're going to do to us?! Turn us into rats?! Please, sir, spare me, please! I-I'll do anything, I'll give you money!"

The RatKing pushed her to the ground. "I don't want your money, I want to build a rat kingdom! Soon the whole world will be rats!"

All the humans were now shivering in fear, I, however, rolled my eyes. Not only do I have to find a way to get father and myself out of here, I have to find a way to stop a rat apocalypse from happening. 'I really should have brought my phone!'

"Now, all of you line up and follow me, I'll be showing you your teacher. He will teach you how to be a rat citizen before your mutation." He ordered and started leading the way.

"Ah!" The woman screamed as one of the rat soldiers whipped her to move forward.


The RatKing took us to a room that almost looked like a school classroom. Everyone walked in and lined up while the RatKing stood in front of us. "Now your teacher is very talented in every respect and he will be treated with respect! After all, he is the first out of all of us who has seen the world through the eyes of rats! That is why I picked him to be your teacher."

TMNT Karai's Biggest RegretsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon