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I walked and climbed until the sun went down. I was exhausted and to my luck, it started to rain. I ran until I found a small cave. I ran in and started a fire, that I stared at for a long time.

"This sucks." I mutter. Just then I heard something outside the cave, I peeked outside and two hooded figures jumped in front of me.

"Looks like we found another one, what do you think? Should we bring her in?" One of them asked the other.

"The RatKing said we only need 15 humans."

'Rat king? The guy that Leo told me about?...he must be the one who took father! If I let these guys take me they might just lead me to him.' I thought to myself.

"Yeah but one more human couldn't hurt and she's already seen us." The cloaked guy shrugged.

"Fine. Take her."

The cloaked guy walked up to me, holding handcuffs. "Sorry to have to do this to you, I know it may seem scary but trust me, once you transform you'll thank me later."

He put the cuffs on me and he and his partner grabbed me ruffly. They took me up a cliff where humans were all chained together and holding each other fearfully. The cloaked guys chained me to a girl who looked beyond horrified.

"I-I wanna go home!" She cried. A cloaked soldier slapped her. "Shut up!"

"Hey! She's just scared! Why don't you pick on someone your own size!" I yelled and the soldier hissed at me.

He walked up to me and roughly grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at his hard eyes. "This one has a mouth on her. We're going to have to fix that. You'll learn your place soon enough, girl."

He let me go and I noticed that he had four long pick fingers, just like father's...wait, transform? Rats, they are gonna turn us into rats! I did not think this through, I really don't want to go through another mutation, it hurts more than drinking lava!

"Move!" He yelled and whipped me on the shoulder. I growled at him and the line started moving. Hopefully I'll find father quickly, so we can get out of here and...I really hope he's alright, I don't think I can go through losing him again.


As I was dumping rocks into the fire, my senses were suddenly acting up. My ears perked up and I looked around, trying to figure out the source.

"Somethings not right." I muttered.

"Hamato Yoshi! My old friend!" RatKing called and I sighed in annoyance before turning to him.

"I have done everything you've asked, must you keep pestering me?" I asked, getting very annoyed.

"I have a new job for you."

I grew wary. "What kind of job?"

RatKing chuckled and grabbed my shoulder. "You see Hamato Yoshi, you are the first out of all of us who's seen through the eyes of rats and you have very good teaching skills. I was thinking, if you would be interested in teaching my new shipment of humans everything they need to know about how to be a new citizen in my empire before their transformation."

I hesitated, I wanted nothing to do with any of this but... "What do I get out of it?"

RatKing thought for a moment. "If you do this, I'll let your spirit visit your children, again. Like you tried to sneak doing before but you can not tell them that you are alive or else. Do we have a deal?"

It was too good of a deal to pass. I had to see my children, I must know how they're doing. Last time when I went to the spirit plane to visit Leonardo he was going through a hard time, he was starting to lose his purpose as leader. I had to take it, I must see my son.

"Yes, we have a deal."

"Excellent! Come with me, I'll show you what you need to do."

RatKing said while walking away, I followed but stopped for a second when my ears perked up again. 'What is this feeling? I felt it before...but where?'

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