Splinter's P.O.V

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When I first awoke I was in a dirty cell. I remember the strange people that brought me here and I was yelling, demanding release, of course I was ignored. I do not know why they brought me here but I knew it was not good. I was worried for my family but I knew that they were safe which is all that matters.

Weeks passed and I still did not know why they brought me here. I was striving. They only bring me food once a week, I guess to keep my strength low so I couldn't escape. The more days that passed the more and more angry I got. I missed my family, I was worried about them and these cloaked people can not even tell me why I'm here even though I have asked countless times. They kept giving me the same answer 

'we don't know, only the Boss does.'

Who is the 'Boss'?! They ignored me when I asked that. I felt anger in my heart but I was too weak to express it. I could barely even speak. The only thing that is keeping me from not losing myself is the memories and the hope that I will see my family again.

I smiled as I thought back. To Leonardo, always nagging his brothers and always trying to live up to my expectations. Raphael, the son who faced the same struggles I went through with his temper but still is the strongest boy I know. Donatello, always caring about others before himself, trying to save and fix everything, everyone. Michelangelo, the one who always smiles and makes sure everyone is happy. Then there's...Miwa.

I frowned a bit as I thought of her. The daughter that reminds me so much of myself when I was young. Yep, she is my daughter through and through. To, bad temper, stubbornness, pride, mischievous, carefree, strong, and fierce. Because of that I worry about her constantly. She's making the same mistakes I made and I wasn't there for her.

I tried to be her Father, I wanted to be, but I was not sure if she wanted me. That is no excuse. She was making bad decisions, decisions that almost got her killed countless times. I went through the vengeance path and I regret it to this day. I know Miwa doesn't want the path she's on, I know she's confused about her place in this world and where she belongs. I know my daughter is hurt and lost like I was but still I do nothing because I was too much of a coward. I didn't know what to do. I tried talking to her but...it did not end well.

I will admit I was hurt about what Miwa said but it is the truth even if it does not have to be. Karai is who she is right now, I know she does not want to be that person. She does not want to hurt others and rule the Foot clan. She's just confused.

It does not matter to me who she is though. Karai or Miwa, she's my daughter and only mine. I will love her no matter who she chooses to be or what she does. It is my fault anyway. I could not protect her or be there for her when she was a baby and I definitely was not there for her when she needed me the most. Anger filled her heart, sadness in her eyes, and I chose to ignore it because I did not want to push her away.

I wanted to step in and be her Father from the very beginning. It was just easier to be her Sensei or friend because I honestly did not know how to be her Father. I did not raise Miwa and there is so much I still do not know about her. Like what her childhood was like.

I could not just step in and start being a Father. I did not want her to feel like I was trying to control her life. I wanted us to build our relationship slowly and I wanted her to come to me, I did not want to pressure her. But things didn't work like that. Both of us didn't know what to do in our situation and we just ran away from it instead of facing it. I just hope Miwa will find a life that makes her happy, that's my wish for her.


I suddenly heard the cell door open. I looked up and my eyes widened. 'This can not be real. He died. I saw his bones. H-How is he here?'

"Here he is Boss." The cloaked soldier said to the man standing beside him. "Thank you, my pet. You may go now." The soldier nodded and left the cell. 

The man then smiled at me. "Hello, old friend. It has been a while."

I glared at his eyes. "Dr. Falco." 

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