What Happened To Leonardo?

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I could not believe this? What is he doing here? How did he find me? I didn't even have time to ask when Raph opened the cell and wrapped me in a hug which was surprising since Raph isn't a huger. He pulled away and checked me over. "Karai, are you ok? What happened?"

"How did you find me?" I ask, ignoring his question.

"Donnie built a tracking device in one of your earrings, remember?" He said and I touched one of my earrings that had a little tiny blue dot on it. "Oh, right, but what are you doing here?"

"I went on Donnie's computer to check to see if you made it to the farmhouse but when I saw you weren't there, I immediately took the party wagon and tracked you here." He explained. "I thought you were taken by that stupid worm, fish, bird-thing, I was not expecting mutant rats."

I chuckled. "Yeah, it's a long and crazy story."

Raph took my arm. "Come on, let's get out of here before we get caught." He tried to pull my arm but I pulled back. "Wait, Raph, there's something that I need to tell you."

He pulled my arm again. "Can't it wait?!" I once again pulled back. "Uh..no, it really can't!"

We both stopped when we heard whistling coming this way. I immediately closed the cell, making sure not to lock it. Raph hid under the bed and I put my hood back on before laying on top of the bed, pretending to be sleeping. The soldier came and glanced inside my cell then continued on his way.

I sat up and pulled my hood back down. "That was close." I said, relieved. Raph then came out and gave me a displeasing look. "Ok, what the hell is going on?! These guys captured you, who knows what they want with you?!"

"Actually, I let them capture me." I corrected.

"Why?!" Raph exclaimed and I sighed. "...You might want to sit down..."

And just like that, I told Raph everything. I told him about all my crazy dreams but most importantly I told him about Hamato Yuuta visiting me and telling me Father was alive. I then told him about the RatKing and his plan.

Raph's eyes were wide and watery, I couldn't even tell if he was hearing me anymore. "Raph? Are you ok?"

"..H-He's alive?...but-but how?" He asked with a stutter. "The RatKing made it look like he was dead but really he was in a coma." I answered, gripping my fist in anger.

"B-But I saw him get stabbed in the chest with my own eyes! How can you fake that?!"

I shook my head. "I have no idea."

Raph leaned his back against the wall with his eyes still wide. "...He was alive the whole time and we didn't even know. He's been here, working and getting treated like a dog all year?!"

He growled and punched the wall. "I'm gonna kill that RatKing! I can't believe this, I thought Splinter finished him off for good!"

I went to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "I don't understand it either, Raph but don't worry, we're going to stop him and get dad out of here, I promise."

Raph sighed. "So, what's the plan?"

I thought for a moment, my original plan was to fight whoever took father and get him out of here. An easy and simple plan but that was ruined when more problems got added to this mission. I thought for a few more moments before I finally came up with something.

I smiled mischievously at Raph. "...I got an idea."

Raph eyes widened a bit, looking a bit fearful. "I'm not going to like this, am I?"

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