Plans Changed

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I was sneaking around the machine, trying to find any weak points but my mind is having a hard time focusing right now. I just can't believe he was alive this whole time! How did we miss that?! We literally buried our own father alive and then he got kidnapped by this lunatic! I just couldn't help thinking what we could have done to prevent this from happening.

I should have stopped him from going after Shredder that day! I should have taken Leo's side when he said we all should have stayed together! I wish the others were here, I usually depend on them to keep my head on straight but of course they refused to come!
Leo would have given me encouraging words, Donnie would have already figured out how to stop this thing, and Mikey would make this situation look not so scary but they're all still messed up!

Just before I left, we had a huge fight....AGAIN! I tried to get them to come with me to the farmhouse, but they all refused. I couldn't tell them why because I promised Karai I wouldn't. I can't blame them, though, Splinter's grave was at the farmhouse, and they were still not ready to revisit that place. I kept on pushing them and they all snapped at me, even Mikey.
They weren't ready to face him and accept he was gone. Maybe I could have convinced them to come if I didn't lose my patients. If I didn't lose my temper, they would probably be here and know that Splinter was alive instead of doing what they have been doing every day for the last year.

I looked around some more and came across some plans. I picked it up and read it...or at least tried to read it.

"What is the meaning of this?!" I heard someone shout. I put the plans in my cloak and looked down to see the RatKing talking to Splinter.

My eyes become teary. "...Father..." I choked. I was so happy and sad at the same time but that ended when I saw the state of my father.

He was all skinny, weak, and he had a few scars on his back. I tightened my fists. "What did you do to my father, you monster?" I said gritting my teeth, trying to keep it together.

I was then taken back when the RatKing pulled up an image of Karai and started talking about her. My heart races when I realized what was going on. 'He knows that-

"...She's your daughter, isn't she?" He said.

My eyes widened in horror when I saw soldiers running out of the room and dragging Splinter away. I looked back and forth deciding if I should go after Splinter or Karai. I grunted and went to get to Karai before the soldiers did.  Splinter may be weak right now, but I know he will be fine, we would never submit to defeat when he knows one of his children is in danger.

"Just hang on Father, we're going to get you out of here! Just hang on a little while longer!" I whispered to myself.

I was pacing back and forth in the classroom. I could tell something was wrong. Splinter has been gone for a long time and the stupid door was locked and guarded so I couldn't check on him.

"Armonia, why don't you sit down and relax?" Tiana said but I shook my head. "No."

"Come on, kid, you have been doing this for a half hour. That old rat will be back, just relax."  The man, whose name is John said. I growled at him. "No! Something is wrong...I can feel it."
John rolled his eyes. "Why do you care so much about that rat? Do you know him or something?"

Before I could respond, I heard the door slowly opening. I turned to look at it and tensed but relaxed when Raph ran it, slamming the door behind him. I took a breath of relief but then glared at him. "Raph, what are you doing here?!"

Raph took down his hood and looked at me seriously. "We need to talk."

"AHH!" A woman screamed. "Giant mutant turtle!" Raph gave her a look. "Really? You've seen giant rats and you're freaking out over a giant turtle?"

I gave her a look as well. "Seriously? He doesn't even have claws or sharp teeth like they do." The woman looked at us before quietly sitting back down.

I sighed and looked at Raph. "Ok...what's going on?"

"The RatKing knows you're here and that you're Splinter's daughter." My eyes widened and I took my hood off. "What? How?"

"I don't know but he's after you?! He said that you were going to be the first one to turn into a rat and then he took father somewhere!"

I was completely in shock. 'Ok, Karai. Think, think!' I look at him. "Do you know where they took him?"

Raph shook his head. "No, I only saw the direction they were heading." I nodded. "Ok, plans changed. I will destroy the machine while you get father and everyone else out of here!"
Raph took something out of his cloak. "Here, you might need this. It's the plans on how to build the machine, it has the weak points and everything else on there!"

I nodded before taking off the cloak and putting the plans in my pocket. "Ok, let's go." I turned to the humans. "Everyone follow my brother, he will lead you out of here!"

"Brother?" Tiana said and I glanced at her. "Yeah, it's a long story."

I kicked the door open, sending a soldier who was about to come in flying then we all started running. Raph led the humans away from the soldiers while I fought them off. I turned into my snake form and swung my tail at them, knocking them out.

Raph found an opening and saw there were no soldiers. "Quick! Everyone run out of here, get as far away from the mountain as you can, there's no telling how big the explosion might be!"
The humans wasted no time and started running out. Tiana looked at him, doubtfully. "W-Won't the soldiers come after us?"

"AHHH!!" They looked to see a soldier sent flying in the air and looked to see me fighting them off. Raph smirked. "Don't worry. I think the crazy snake lady has them distracted."

I snorted at his comment a little and continued fighting. Raph pushed Tiana forward and she ran with the rest of the humans. Raph took one last look at me and I gave him a nod, promising that I would be fine. Raph nodded in return and then ran to look for our father.

I was sitting on my throne feeling happier as I have ever been! Everything was finally coming together perfectly....or so I thought until Aristotle, my loyal soldier crawled on my shoulder and whispered in my ear.

"What?! The humans have escaped?!" I asked and he nodded his tiny head. "What about the girl?"

He whispered in my ear again and I smiled. "Good at least she's still here." Aristotle said something else, and I smirked. "Ah, so one of Splinter's sons is here as well. This is going to be....entertaining." I said evilly.

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