I love you Miwa

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I tried to think of my future plans for the clan but all I could think about was my father. The turtles didn't know this but Splinter used to come here to lecture me about my revenge. I still don't know how he found stuff out. It really got on my nerves. It was fun sometimes when he would help me with my ninjitsu but most times we would argue. It was no secret that he disapproved of my vendetta but that's not what we would mainly argue about.

Splinter kept on lecturing me about how I run the clan. He use to say how he didn't trust them and I should have not foolishly picked them to follow me. He would also say how I should stop listening to them and show them who's the leader but I didn't listen. I just kept on arguing until he stopped.

Over time, I started to get worse with my vendetta and I honestly didn't know why. I had promised father I wouldn't blow up Shredder's organization anymore then I started  doing it again and the worse things got the more and more my father would come by but not to lecture me. He would scold me and make me train as punishment.

One time he even struck my thighs with his staff when I refused to comply. Shinigami made fun of me that day. She kept saying. "You got a whooping, you got a whooping!" Very immaturity.

My father laughed a little when she did that and I had to admit so did I...but one night things did not go well.

                           FLASH BACK
"Shini is the foot clan ready?" I asked her, as I moved some boxes in the throne room. "Yes, they are all packed." Shini replied.

"Good, we can't stay here anymore. Shredder is back and he almost killed my father by using me as bait. No doubt he's going to keep coming after me so he can use me to get to him." I said scowling in anger.

"It was nice of the mutanimals to offer their place to us until we can find a new hideout." Shini said, smiling as she stacked up some boxes. "Although, I do think staying with the turtles would be more fun." She added and I sighed in annoyance.

"There is not enough room for the clan in their lair. Must I really go through this again!" I snapped and Shini put her hands up. "Okay, I just think that's not the real reason why you don't want to stay there."

I turned around and glared at her. "That is the reason and why do you care if we stay at their lair or not?" Shinigami shrugged. "I just think it would be good for you if you got to know your family."

I scoffed. "Yeah right. You just want to get to know Michelangelo and Casey better." Shinigami blushed and hid her face in her hat. "W-Well yes...but I also think it would be good for you!"

"What do you see in those two anyway?" I asked. She smiled and sat crossed legged on the stack of boxes. "Well Michelangelo is funny and sweet but I like Casey's foolish personality." I shook my head in disapproval.

Casey and Mikey are nice guys but Casey has the hots for April and he is always in over his head. Mikey seems loyal and I can tell he has a crush on Shini but he seems very hesitant about being in a relationship with her which makes me think he likes someone else as well but I don't know who.

"Well the answer is still no." I said firmly and Shini pouted. "Aw! Please Harmy-dear!" She pleaded and gave me puppy dog eyes but I wasn't going to back down this time.

"No! Now get back to packing!" I ordered and Shini sighed. "Fine." She left the room and I continue to go through some old boxes searching for what we need and don't need.

I grabbed a big box and a box opener. I start opening it when my hand slipped and I accidentally cut myself. "Ow! Fuck!"

I sucked on my cut then all the sudden I saw a shadow on the floor. I looked up and saw my father starting down at me. "That language of yours would have earned you a switch punishment back in my day." He said in a calm yet stern tone.

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