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In my bedroom, 

I was staring up at the ceiling. I tried to sleep but something was stopping me from doing so. I guess it was my fear. As much as I hate to admit it, I am too afraid to fall asleep. These dreams that I have been having are just so horrifying. I had always had trouble sleeping because of nightmares but they were never so bad where I got to a point where I couldn't get any kind of sleep, no matter how tired I was.

I know they're just dreams but they just seem so real, too real. I shake my head. "Come on, Karai. There just stupid dreams, nothing more." I tried to convince myself. Over an hour or so my eyes started to feel really heavy and within a moment they finally closed. 


I opened my eyes to find myself back in Japan but I wasn't in my old home. I was in someone's dojo. "Yoshi! Come back here!" A elderly man yelled.

Yoshi? Wait, is this my father's old home before he left Japan? Before I could figure out what was going on, the slide doors slammed open. I jumped and turned around to see a young version of my father. He looks close to my age. I look a lot like my mother but now that I see my father as a teenage human I can kinda see the resemblance between us. A flat nose, thin lips, big amber eyes, and thick black hair with pointed bangs. That's where the resemblance ends.

He is a little buff, If he had a shell I would say he is built like Leo, he has a square face shape, he is tall like Donnie, his eye shape is round like Raph, and I never noticed before but he also has a little brown birthmark on his right eye. Mikey has that too.

Yoshi glanced behind him and growled in annoyance before closing the door behind him. He walked to the entrance ready to leave but I elderly man with a white robe and a long grey beard came in furious. "Hamato Hakim Yoshi! Do not dare walk out that door!" 

Yoshi gave a frustrated exhale before taking his hand off the door and turning around to face the elderly man. The man walked up to him with disappointment written all over his face. Yoshi glared at him, obviously to show him that whatever it is they were fighting about he wasn't going to back down.The elderly man crossed his arms. "Yoshi, I am very disappointed in you! You have gone too far this time!" He yelled. 

"Master Yuuta, I didn't do anything wrong!" Yoshi protested.

"Did not do anything wrong? You and your friends put those poor boys in the hospital!" Wow. I was not expecting that. 

Yoshi gritted his teeth. "They started it! They were making fun of me for being an orphan and they said things about my mother!" I could not believe what I was seeing. I think I just found out where me and Raph's temper comes from.

Yuuta glared at Yoshi harder. "Yoshi, I understand what those boys said was not right, but you are salving nothing from this!"

"I don't care! They deserve it! You know they're trying to rebuild the Foot clan, right? The clan that got my father killed! We need to stop it before it starts!" Yuuta shakes his head. "Those boys can not rebuild the Foot clan without the kuro kabuto. Trust me, there is nothing to worry about." 

Yoshi growled. "You don't get it! They might not be real Foot but they do respect and agree with everything the Foot has done! They can still harm others!" Yuuta put a hand on Yoshi's shoulder. "I understand perfectly, this is not just about you worried about others' safety. This is about your hunger for revenge for what happened to your father."

Yoshi's eyes glared to the ground. "I know you have had a hard life and you are still hurting from the past but it does not give you the right to harm others. Yoshi, we have talked about this before. Revenge will solve nothing, it will only lead you down a road of more-"

"Pain." Yoshi cut him off. "I know Master Yuuta, you tell me that all the time." 

This argument is way too similar to the one I had with Splinter. This is not how I imagined young Splinter to be, I thought he would be more like Leo. Respectful and a goody-toe-shoes but young Splinter seems more like a dare devil who likes to take risks..like...me.

"You just don't understand!" Yoshi suddenly roared which made me jump out of my thoughts. "My dad gave me up when I was six! I had to leave my home and my mother's grave behind! Thanks, to the Foot I will never get-get to-"

"I know Yoshi, I know." Yuuta said softly. "But I will not allow you to walk this path. You are grounded for three months." Yoshi's eyes widened. "Three months!"

"Yes, you need to learn that what you are doing is wrong!" Yoshi stormed off to his room and I followed.

His bedroom was small but it was neat like Leo's room, there was a bookshelf that was full of books but not just story books there were also dictionaries, medical books and all kinds of other stuff which makes me think that young Splinter likes to study and learn things like Donnie.

Yoshi flops on his bed and grumbles. He reaches under his bed and pulls out some kind of book. Instead of reading it though he holds it tight to his chest. "Mother, I wish you were here. You would understand. I hate them, I hate them all. Master Yuuta treats me like a stupid little kid, Saki keeps getting on my nerves, and kids at school are still making fun of me for father turning into a crazy drunk. They say I will end up turning into him, but I don't want to be anything like him!" Yoshi yelled then took a breath to relax. "Still, I wish he was here so I could ask why he turned that way. I wish I didn't run away, I could've made things right, maybe I could've turned him back to normal." Yoshi suddenly started to get teary. "Mother, please, help me. Tell me what to do." 

My heart broke for him. I know how he feels, I know what it's like to have a father you're supposed to rely on but instead cares nothing for you, I know what it's like to not have a mother around, and I know what it's like to want others to respect you instead of hurting you. What I didn't know, is that my father went through all this pain and regret alone just like I did.
Why am I here? Why am I seeing this? What does this mean? I look back up only to find myself not in young Splinter's room anymore instead I was in a dark void.

"Get out." I heard a voice whisper. I looked around but I did not see anyone, only darkness. "Hello? Is someone there?" I asked. "You are not welcome here." The whispered voice grew slightly louder.

"Look, I don't want any trouble." I tried to stay calm. I could sense this person and something didn't feel right. Whoever this person is, they're not human. "He belongs with us now."

A scary thought entered my mind. "He? Do you mean my father?!"

"GET OUT!!" The voice roared.

My eyes and teeth turned serpent out of fear. I turned around to see my father, his eyes were glowing red and he raised his sword. "F-Father?" He didn't seem to hear me. His face looked sinister before he struck me with his sword. "Father!"


I jolted awake and quickly looked myself over for wounds. When I didn't see any I inhaled deeply and exhaled as I laid back down. The morning sun was shining on my face. I covered my left eye with my arm while my right was looking at the ceiling.

 I sighed. "Father, what are you doing to me?"

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