Master Yuuta

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That night I woke up in a strange place. There were beautiful stars everywhere, I kept hearing strange whispers but they weren't spooky nor scary they were actually quite soothing.

I frowned a little. "Seriously! I mean, this is way better than you killing me but it doesn't give me any idea what you're trying to tell me!" I shouted.

I am starting to get really pissed off. I went from having crazy nightmares every night for the last year to having a nice relaxing dream that gives me nothing. What does all of this mean! "Do you always have to be wise and mysterious? Can't you just be straightforward with me!"

Suddenly, I hear an amused chuckle behind me. "Your Father used to say the same thing to me when he was your age."

I turn around to see my Father's sensei smiling at me. "M-Master Yuuta, Shredder has told me so many stories about you...wish I could say that they were good." Yuuta smiled wider. "Yes, and I have been watching you." 

My eyes widened a little. "Really?" 

He nodded.

"For how long?" 

"Since the day you were born." He answered.  I rub my arm nervously. "You're not mad that I cursed the Hamato name, are you?"

Yuuta put a hand on my shoulder and shook his head. "No, child. I know what you have done in the past was not your fault and you did not curse the Hamato name. You have made your family proud."

I could not believe what he just said. "How? I have never done anything honorable, I have done nothing but terrible things."

Master Yuuta's eyebrows raise. "Are you sure about that, child?" A strange door appeared. It opened and showed a memory, my memory.

"All these years, you continue to deceive yourself." Splinter said glaring at Shredder then his eyes fell to past me and he looked at her with such pity. "And everyone around you." I saw past me's eyes widen a little.

I remember what I was thinking that day. 'This guy, what is his game? He doesn't seem like a murder but looks can be deceiving. Then again, actions can tell more about a person than words ever could. That day I first met him. He looked at me with such sorrow and he could have killed me when I was distracted but didn't, why?'

Shredder raised his claws over Splinter's head. I saw myself gaze at the side, trying to figure out what to do. 'I have to stop him, something about this does not feel right but if I do Father might punish me for trying to get him to spare our enemy.'

"You dare. Now it ends!" Shredder yelled. There was no time to think she had to act now. "No Father!" She yelled in the nick of time, the blades were only an inch away from Splinter's neck.

"You would stop me!" He yelled furiously.

I saw myself trying to come up with an explanation. "You'd kill your greatest enemy while he's poisoned and chained." She straightened up making sure to not show any fear. "What about honor? Everything you taught me!" She exclaimed.

Tiger-Claw stepped up. "The girl is right, Master Shredder." I remember how much pride I felt when he put his blades away and told Tiger-Claw to gather Foot.

I remember thinking. 'For once you listen to me. I must have made a hell of a point.' I saw myself look at Splinter with pity as she started walking out but stopped when he spoke to her.

"Why..did you help me?" He asked softly, still weak from the poison. I saw my eyes going from pity to anger. "I don't know...maybe because you look so pathetic!" I wince as she spat at him. 

'Damn, did I really have to be such a bitch.'

Splinter slightly laughed and looked at her. "Such proud and scared."

I saw myself flinch at his words. I never showed any sign of weakness and nobody could ever tell what I was feeling. How did he see it? It frightened me. She quickly turned around glaring at him. 

"Never say that again!" She looked away sadly for a moment before turning back to him. "You ruined my family, you ruined all of our lives!"

She stormed off angrily, I saw Splinter trying to tell her something but his voice was too weak and he fell flat on the ground. I saw myself close the doors behind her and lean on them.

"He knew, he knew I was afraid" I muttered to myself. "But how? No one ever could tell. I always keep my emotions hidden. Also, there's something strange about him, there's something about him that seems....familiar." She shook her head and left.

The strange door closes and disappears. "Do you still think you have never done anything honorable?" Yuuta asked. I looked at him, raising a brow. "I don't get it. What did I do?"

"You could have let Shredder kill Splinter but didn't, why?" I shrugged. "It just didn't feel right like I thought it would. I wanted to avenge my Mother's death but something about him stopped me."

Yuuta smiled. "You showed mercy, you saved his life even though you knew you might have gotten punished for it and that was before you knew the truth. Does that not sound honorable to you?" I thought about what he said and he was right.

"I guess that's true." I said before turning serious. " you tell me what I am doing here, what all of these dreams mean and why you are here?" I asked.

"I heard you calling for your Father in the spirit world." He started to explain. "As for your dreams it seems you are connecting with your Father spiritually without knowing. What you have been seeing our not dreams but versions."  

I looked at him confused. "But how? I didn't think a living spirit could connect with a spirit in the spirit world. I've only heard stories of dead spirits guiding others."

Master Yuuta looked to the side and that's when it hit me. "A-Are you saying that my Father is alive?"

"Yes, but he's in terrible danger."

(I know I changed the line when Splinter talked to Karai but I liked the idea of Karai being more like Splinter than she realizes, since this is a father-daughter fanfic. Plus, I don't know Tang Shen since she was only in one episode and I see Karai has some characteristics similar to Splinter's)

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