The Brother Who's Always There

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  Karai's P.O.V

I was still in the darkness with Shredder. He kept laughing on and on until he finally let me go. Looking around I realized I'm back in Stockman's lab chained to a cold mental table. Shredder was gone but Stockman showed up and laughed. "Remember this place Karai? I was so disappointed when you broke free from my brain-worm. There were still so many experiments I didn't get to do but now that you're back, I can continue with my research!" He said excitedly and I struggled to break free.

This can't be happening to me again! When Stockman got my mind back intact and injected me with the brain-worm. He did all kinds of experiments on me and I thought that would be the end of it but I was wrong. Shredder wanted him to do more experiments on me to find out what I was capable of and to take some of my DNA to make half mutant snake soldiers. Thankfully, he never was able to do the last part because my father broke me free before he could.

Stockman came back with needles and knives and I started to shake. "Don't worry Karai, I just need a few blood examples." He came closer with the needles and I struggled even harder. 

Shredder came from behind and pulled my hair back. "And maybe we'll take some skin as well!" 

They both laughed and I shut my eyes tightly. "Karai!" A familiar voice shouted my name and my eyes snapped back open. "Karai! Please wake up!" 

I was confused. "Wake up?" That's when I realized it. "This isn't real."

Just then, everything started to fade away, suddenly I'm back in reality. I looked around to find that I was back in the dojo. I found Raph looking down at me worriedly. "Karai, are you ok?"

 I sat up and leaned my back against the wall. "Yeah." Raph sat next to me. "You sure? You were gone for a while." 

I turned to him. "How long?" He shrugged. "I don't know, maybe an hour." My eyes turned serpent out of frustration. This is the sixth time this week I have an episode! Why can't I get it under control?!

"Does that happen often?" Raph suddenly asked. "Yes." I said and looked away. 

"How long has this been going on?"

 I didn't answer. I couldn't control my anger anymore, I stood up and punched the wall numerous times ignoring the pain as I did. Raph stood as well and grabbed my hands. "Hey! Hey! Take it easy, you're gonna hurt yourself!" 

I pulled away from him with tears in my eyes. "That's the point!" Raph looked at me with shock before looking at me with anger. "Are you crazy?!" He yelled. 

"I deserve it!" I tried to hit the wall again but Raph pulled me away. "For what?!"

 I then launch at him but Raph managed to pin me down. I then pushed him off of me, pulled out my sword and attacked. Raph pulls out his sais and blocks me. "Karai, whatever you're going through you can tell me!" 

I growled and kicked him in his stomach. "If you knew what I did you wouldn't be saying this to me!"

Raph got back up. "What did you do?" He asked and I charged at him again but he kept on blocking my attacks. "Why do you care?!" 

Raph pins me down again and I struggle to get him off. "Because you're my sister and you're all we have left of Splinter!" I then stopped and looked up at him. "What?"

 Raph sighed. "That's why I've been pushing you to come over more because every time you're here it almost seems like everything is back to normal."

Raph got off of me and I listened to what he had to say. "Karai, me and the guys haven't been great ever since...that day. We've been fighting constantly, Mikey burst into tears when he's left alone, Donnie works himself too hard, and Leo hardly ever leaves the dojo. But when you're here everyone starts to act like a family again."

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