~Chapter 55~

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We ran cocking our guns and holding them high ready to shoot. Me,Newt,Tom and Tess went to go down some stairs as we heard Gally."Hold on,hold on." Gally said standing infront of a power box scanning it."I can get in here." He said taking his mask off quickly. "Throw me the walkie." Thomas said from the bottom of the stairs. Gal tossed the walkie to him. Thomas ran down some more stairs as I looked at Newt. He started coughing uncontrollably holding the banisters for support. He paused after seeing Teresa was looking at him and turned around facing me. I gave him a soft smile nodding at him sitting on the other set of stairs to Teresa.I jogged to Gal and stood next to him while he was drilling to get in. I spotted Tom come up the stairs and spoke on the radio."Frypan we're in,how you doing." Thomas asked."Yeah,yeah. I'm getting there." Fry said."Tell him to hold on for me." Fry added cutting off the radio. I looked at Newt and back at Gally who was still drilling."Hang in there buddy." Thomas said to Newt patting his back. Gally yanked the metal door open pulling on all the coloured wires."This'll work." Gally said holding one with a tag on. Thomas held the walkie talkie up to his face and reached Brenda."Hey Brenda what's your status." Thomas questioned her. "Status is working on it." Brenda replied as I laughed a little."Copy, just make sure your ready when we're in." Thomas said."Don't worry you know I'm gonna be there." Brenda said and from the tone she used I know she was smirking.Gally put a buzzing thing on the door to shut off all the security cameras that were in the building."Come on let's go." Gally said slamming the door shut quickly as we all ran up the stairs. Gally went infront of us since he had more experience with guns.A soldier opened the door as Gally cocked his gun and shot the man infront of us that had just opened the door.We all shot the others as Gally still managed to get more even tho he was behind us all."Holy shit gal." I whispered standing next to him. Silence came across the room as Newt opened a door. He pulled his mask off and smiled at the kids."Come on let's go." He said to them tilting his head as a signal to follow him. Me and Thomas kept opening the doors and reassuring the kids making they stand near Newt.Me and Gally ran to the vault and looked at the man on the floor. Gally kneeled down and put his gun to his throat."The vault. How do I get in." Gally asked."You can't." The man said. Gally pushed him to the wall and looked at the vault. He turned to Thomas and the others."Guys, this may take some time." Gally said. He looked at me and set his gear down."Shit." Thomas mumbled. Newt and I looked at him."He's not here." Thomas said again pacing. I looked at Gally. He looked back at me shaking his head."Where is he?" Thomas said getting into Teresa's face. Gally nodded at me to see where Minho was as I jogged over to the centre of the room next to Newt."Someone's moved him to the medical wing. Thomas that's on the other side of the building." Teresa said. I actually didn't bother asking questions this time and just walked back to Gally knowing he was the less crazy and smart one."Take me to him, right now." Thomas said.I turned around shocked.Thomas looked at me as I shook my head."Oh Tom. Did me almost getting killed not scare you enough." I scoffed. He looked back at Teresa."Alright I'm coming with you." Newt said grabbing his helmet."Newt no your not." Thomas said as I looked at Gally utterly disappointed."Ok for once Tom is right." I say looking at Newt."You need to stay here with Gally and Tate to get the serum." Thomas said putting the gun on his shoulder."Minho comes first remember, you can't do this on your own."Newt defensively said.Gally gave me a disappointed look that there actually arguing now. He stood up and looked at them."Just go we're wasting time. I'll get the serum we'll meet you out back." Gally said. They all looked at him and gave up."Ok fine,Cmon let's go." Thomas said holding Teresa's arm.

"Hey greenie." Gally shouted."Good luck." Gally nodded kneeling back down to open the vault again. I gave Gally some other stuff to get into the vault."If they hurt her I'm gonna go absolutely mad." I said leaning on the wall watching Gally get through the vault."They won't and besides we both wanted to earlier." He said looking at me."That was before she helped us." I scoffed."By the way." I smiled as Gally looked up at me."I missed that face you pull when your concentrating.It's hot." I smirked. He smiled shaking his head amused.He opened the vault door as we grabbed the serum.



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