~Chapter 53~

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I sat down on a chair and leant on the table with my head in my hands. I heard a knock at the door ignoring it. The person knocked again that made me look up a little."Go away Newt." I yelled as the person walked in. "I said go-." I saw it was Gally and stopped."Sorry..." I said as he shut the door behind him.I smiled at him softly seeing his eyes wonder around my face."Hey, you alright?" Gal asked pulling a chair next to me and sitting on it."Mhm." I hummed."Tate." Gally said raising a eyebrow. I sighed."What was that?" I asked shrugging. "He got into Tom's face spoke bout my best friend like she was a bitch. That wasn't the Newt I've been with for 6 months." I said looking at Gally.Gally gave a reassuring smile at me and stroked my hand."What else." He asked me. I laughed at the fact he knew that wasn't the only reason."I left my best mate behind."I said as Gally looked at me confused."Who?." He asked looking at me."Aris. I left him because Fry and Newt didn't want Tom to come here by himself so I had to leave Aris."I said letting tears slowly run down my cheeks.Gally stroked my face and wiped the tears I had sitting on my face. He smiled softly at me. I smiled back and took my necklace off."Here. I've kept it on my neck all throughout the 6 months and never took it off aswell as my ring." I smiled passing him the necklace as I was about to take my ring off."Tate..." He smiled."What?" I asked confused."I made that ring for you, not me." He laughed.  I smiled as he passed me back the necklace. "Have it, it looks better on you." He said as he put it round my neck. I spun around and looked at him smiling.I stood up hugging him as he hugged me back. "I missed you." I mumbled, he kissed my lips gently and put his chin on my head. We walked out of the room holding hands. Gally and Thomas had to go get Teresa as Gally wanted me to come. I agreed and followed them up to where we need to go.A bus went past while me and Thomas stood there looking at Teresa. Teresa looked at us and looked shocked.Almost stunned.Another bus went by and me and Tom started walking away through the busy crowd."Tate,Thomas." Teresa yelled as we turned the corner. I saw her running towards us.She turned in a circle which made me and Thomas came out from behind a pillar and pull our hoods down."Tate,Thomas."She said looking at us. We looked at her with hardly any emotion.

"Hey Teresa." Thomas said."Tess." I nodded weakly."You shouldn't be here, if Janson finds out your here." She said talking fast."We're not staying." I said.I walked closer to her."It's just ehh, I had to see my best mate,"I smiled. I looked back at Thomas who nodded at me. "One last time." "I have to ask you something." I said looking at her grabbing her hands."Do you regret it? What you did to us, Me?" I asked her with my eyes as glossy as hers."Sometimes." She nodded."But I did was I felt was right, and I'd do it again." She said. I dropped her hands in shock but didn't show her that."Good." Thomas said as her face dropped. Gally came from behind her and put a bag over her head.We quickly made our way back to the others but I was still a little hurt from what Tess had said about leaving us again for Janson and Ava.Newt took the bag from off of her head and looked at her. She looked shocked as Gally came and sat next to me instead of by himself."Gally?" Teresa asked."Here's how this is gonna go." He said slamming some paper on the table."We're gonna ask you some questions and your gonna tell us exactly what we need to know." "We're start of simple." Gally said standing up."Where's Minho?" Gally asked grabbing a chair as Teresa looked at Thomas."You guys don't seriously think-." "Don't look at him, look at me. He's not gonna help you. Now we know you have Minho in the building. Where?" Gally shrugged."He's with the others in holding. So level 3." Teresa answered."How many others?" Newt asked her."28." She said as I looked at Brenda."I can make that work." She said looking at Jorge."No, you guys don't understand. The whole levels restricted. You can't get in without a thumb print ID." She said."That's why your gonna come with us." Thomas said."Well I dunno. We don't necessary need her." I said looking at Gally as I smiled and nodded knowing that he will finish what I was gonna say nearly in the same words."Right." Gally smiled back putting the chair to the side while I passed Gally a knife."Not all of her. We just need her finger." Gally said getting the knife out of my hand."Guys back off."  Thomas said."Are you squeamish?" I asked."I bet she's done worse to Minho." Gally added."Back off." Thomas said gently grabbing the knife out of his hands."Well we tried." Gally said looking at me sitting down grabbing my hand."Do whatever you want to me, you still won't get through the doors." She said."Besides the sensors will pick you up." Teresa said "I know we're tagged, property of wicked." Thomas said kneeling down infront of Tess."You gonna help us with that too." Thomas passing her the knife as I looked at Gally and kissed his hand.



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