~Chapter 36~

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"Three question's, where did u come from, where are you going, how can I profit." Jorge said pouring himself a drink. We all stayed quiet as he looked at us."Don't all answer at once." He said opening his arms like he used to. I scoffed and shook my head. "We're heading for the mountains, looking for the right arm." Thomas said as all the men laughed at him. Brenda looked at Jorge as Jorge smiled a little."Looking for ghosts you mean?" He said taking a sip of his drink. "Question number 2. Where did u come from." He said walking closer to us.

"That's our business." Minho said as I face palmed my face."Minho just tell him for fuck sake." I said looking back up at him. Too men grabbed Minho and Tom as they held him down."WHAT THE FUCK." I yelled over them. "Get the hell of me." Thomas yelled at them.I watched Brenda grab something and walk to Thomas. Brenda pushed Tommy's head down."woah, what is that." Thomas said."Oh shut up you big baby." She said scanning his neck."What is that?" Thomas yelled as the beeping stopped. They got off the boys and Thomas looked back at me and nodded to let me know he was ok."You were right." Brenda said. Jorge got his glasses on as Brenda passed him the scanner."Right about what? What she talking about." Thomas asked backing up next to me. Jorge scoffed smiling."I'm sorry hermano." He said. "Looks like your tagged.""You came from wicked." He told us while pointing the scanner at us."Which means, you're very valuable." He said as I looked at him and gulped."Jorge don't you fucking dare." I said.

He raised his eyebrows at me as I shook my head. "For the love of god,Brenda and you have changed." "You're not the same either. You were easier to get too." Jorge said. Well maybe because I've been in the real world and not stuck like i used to be." I said as we got thrown into a room and got hung upside down."Good plan,Tate." Minho said."Really working out for us." Minho said again."Oh,shut up, Minho. I knew him when I was 9 so 7 years ago and he wasn't like that he treated me like his own. I don't know what happened but I went out with Brenda and only Brenda managed to get back because I was taken." I sighed. We tried to grab the rope until I heard Jorge."Enjoying the view?" Jorge asked coming out of the darkness.

"What the hell you want." I asked pissed."That is the question." He said walking closer. "My men want to sell you back to wicked. Life has taught them something small. I'm not like that." He said."Oh yeah right." I coughed."Something tells me your not like that either." He said again."Is the blood rushing to my head or is this shank not making any sense." Minho asked. "Jorge you know why I left I got taken why can't u let us down. You know If I could of came back I really would of. What happened to you both?" I asked."Yes but 4 years is a long time when did u get out of the trails." He asked. "A week or so it took ages to even get here." I said. He nodded and looked at Thomas. "Tell me what you know about the right arm." Jorge said pointing a stick at Thomas."I thought you said they were ghosts." Newt spoke. "I happen to believe in ghosts." He said. I let out a laugh."Especially when I hear them chatting on the airwaves." He added.He walked over to a lever with rope around a wheel and held it.

"You tell me what you know and maybe we can make a deal." "We don't know much." Thomas said shaking his head. Jorge pulled the lever and we dropped down a little. We all yelled.

"WERE NOT LYING." I yelled. "You know what Tate I'm surprised you haven't left them yet. You were always good at ditching people. Close people in fact." He said." I'm nothing to you. Your nothing to me." I glared at him as he looked at me and smiled.



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