~Chapter 43~

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"GET OFF ME." Vince shouted as Mary collapsed."NOOOO." He yelled looking at Janson."Come on Janson." Ava said. "Load them up lets go." I saw Teresa was about to cry. I felt Newts finger tangle into mine as a tear fell onto our hands."All these people get rid of them." She said as we all got grabbed. I lost Newts hand as we got pulled apart. "Let's go, let's go." Ava shouted."Sonya, Aris." Harriet yelled as they got held of.Thomas elbowed a man as he grunted."Get back." Thomas yelled with a Bomb in his hand. "Everyone stand back." He yelled again. Janson came running over as I stopped him."STAND BACK." I yelled."Stand back, let em go." Thomas said."Thomas, put it down." Janson said. "LET EM ALL GO." Thomas yelled again."You know we can't do that." Ava said."Thomas stop, I made a deal with them and they promised. They promised we'd be safe all of us." Teresa said."What and we're supposed to trust your fake arse." I spat at her."It's true, it was her only condition." Ava said to back Teresa up.

"SHUT UP!" Thomas yelled."Everything can go back to the way it was. Thomas, do you really want all of them to die?" She said."Listen to her,Thomas think about what you're doing." Janson said."We're with you Thomas." Newt said."No." Teresa said with her voice shaky."Don't." Ava said aswell."Do it, Thomas." Minho said. "We're ready." Fry added."We're not going back there." Thomas shook his head."Thomas." Ava said with fear in her eyes. "It's the only way." Thomas said breathing heavily.Teresa squinted her eyes as I smiled at her knowing Thomas wasn't gonna do it."THOMAS!" Ava yelled. I heard a car beep."JORGE." I shouted as he crashed into a helicopter."You good." Thomas said. "Run get down." Thomas said as he set off the bomb."TOMMY." I screamed. As I was still close to the fire. l managed to move before i got hurt but the heat still made my skin feel like it was burning.I watched Janson and Thomas have a little fight as Brenda came out from behind a rock.I looked up to see Minho get shot."MIN." I said wincing trying to yell. The boys ran over to him.People grabbed Minho taking him into the helicopter. I tried to help but couldn't stand still. The boys watched from a distance as I saw Aris wasn't with them. The plane flew away.


I woke up the next day seeing I was laying next to Brenda and Jorge who had just sat down. "What do we do now." Fry asked us."Well, we pick up what's left of us.  We stick to the plan, we get you kids to the safe haven." Vince said."Then we start over I guess." Vince said standing up. Thomas stood up and threw a bag over his shoulder."I'm not going with you." Thomas said."What?" Me and Vince said in sync ."I made a promise to Minho. I wouldn't leave him behind I'd go after him." Thomas said. I scoffed in disbelief."Hey kid,look around you all right." Vince said."Wicked just kicked our asses." I added."You think about where your headed." Vince said."I'm not asking anyone to come with me." Thomas shrugged."Tom I ain't letting you go alone. We started all this together I'm not just gonna leave you." I said."Thomas, listen to me I've known Minho for... well as long as I can remember. So, if there is anyway we could help him trust me I would be up there standing next to you. This, what your talking about is impossible." Newt said. Jorge got up and stood next to me as Brend did aswell."More like suicide." Jorge said as I held his arm."Maybe." Thomas nodded."But I know what I'm supposed to do now." Thomas said about to walk off."It's not just about Minho it's about all of us." He said looking at me."It's about everyone wicked has ever taken. Everyone they will take. They'll never stop. They'll never stop so, I'll stop them. I'm gonna kill Ava Paige." Thomas said. I looked at Jorge and Brenda and nodded."I'd have to admit I'd like some revenge." Harriet spoke up.

"Well it's a good speech kid. What's your plan."



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