~Chapter 51~

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"Err, this is gross." Newt said."Newt we've been in worse Luv chill out." I said.  The water was splashing onto my shoes making me squeal a little."Yeah this is great." Thomas says as Gally pulled a lever. Lights came on all through the tunnel, Gally walking down it right after.
"Stay with me we have a way to go." Gally said. I tripped and ended up holding onto Gals arm making his head turn to look at me."You good." He asked receiving a nod in return."Yeah just tripped." I laughed a little. He let me stand infront of him turing out me to be next to him instead.We came to a hole in the wall as Gally knelt down to it."Ay this way." He said crawling in with his torch in his hand. I went in after him and he stopped waiting at the end of the hole."Wait here." He said. He looked out the hole and put his head back through. He repositioned himself as I heard loads of noise and rattling. I looked out confused as Gally just sat there.A train went by which made Gally have to yell over it."Now, we need to be quick about this.We don't have a lot of time,stay with me ok." He yelled looking back at the train that was still passing.The train passed as Gally stuck his head out and looked at it. "Alright let's go."he shouted jumping out and onto the floor.We jumped out to as Gally put the vent over the hole."Great Tommy loves trains, don't ya mate." Newt said holding his arm making me laugh."Great because we're gonna see another one real soon." Gally said running past us."Come on." He yelled as we followed. We ran for a little while as my legs started to get tired."Gally what the hell are we doing." Thomas yelled from behind me because I was slightly behind Gally."Less talking more running." Gally yelled.The rails started to shake as the lights started to flicker. We saw the train lights come towards us making us keep running."GALLY." Thomas yelled."Come on." Gally yelled. "We're almost there."We got to the ladder as Gally started climbing it slightly. We looked back to the tracks to see Newt on them. "NEWT." I yelled as Gally jumped down.Thomas was about to run but Gally pulled him back and ran over to him instead."GALLY NO." I screamed.The train came towards us as me and Thomas were pushed up against the wall. Dust came from under the train making us squint our eyes.The train passed as I kept my eyes closed panting. I heard groaning and opened my eyes, I looked at the boys and sighed."Well that was a first." Gally said sitting up on his knees.I ran over as I looked at them shocked."Never were great runners were we Newt." Gally said out of breath holding his chest."Yeah well I've only got one good leg." Newt said. Gally and Newt linked hands as Gal pulled Newt up."Yeah well I only have one good lung." Gally groaned.
"Fucking Minho." I mumbled making Gally laugh. I walked over to Gally staring at him biting my lip hiding my smile.He smiled softly wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me in for a hug. I froze shocked but melted into the hug holding him tightly."Your such an idiot." I sighed as he stroked my head. "I know." He whispered in my ear. I smiled looking up at him. He returned the same smile and kissed my forehead resting his chin on my head. He slowly pulled out still keeping his hand on my waist and facing the boys who weren't looking our way but checking up on eachother."This way." Gally said walking over to the vents as we followed him. We came to a door as Gally pushed it open and walked out. We were in a hallway with people wearing masks trying to avoid the flare. I jogged closer to Gally and held the tip of his hand slightly while we walked down some stairs.He gently grabbed my whole hand putting it in his pocket still keeping hold of my hand.
We got out of the station and we walked up some stairs. Me and Gally walked on the platform hand in hand still not really bothered. The boys behind us looked amazed.I turned around laughing at their facing and turned away again."Shocked are we?" I sniggered."Why ain't you." Newt asked."Been here before mate." I winked looking up at the beautiful bright buildings."This is a long way from the glade." Newt spoke up. We saw trains go by and sirens go off."We better get off these streets." I said."And I know it's hard but act like you've seen it before." Gally added walking down some stairs onto a road.



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