~Chapter 23~

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"WHOOOO." Minho yelled while taking a shower
"ALL RIGHT." Winston also yelled as me and Teresa went into separate shower block where we could still hear the boys.I turned the taps on while I took my clothes off and went in. I stood there for a second as Gallys blood dripped down my legs and into the drain. I let a tear fall down and gripping his necklace remembering the last time I was with Gally. I smiled a little and just let the water wash the blood off my body. I turned the tap off and sat on the floor with flashbacks coming in of me and Gally again.I sat there in silence until I could as Teresa turned her tap off and knocked on my door.

"Tate the boys are waiting let's go." Teresa said. I wiped my tears and got up putting my clothes back on. I walked out and Newt saw I wasn't looking at anyone at all and just standing there being awkward. He limped over and pulled me into a hug."Sorry, I shouldn't of went in the showers without checking on you." He whispered into my ear as everyone else watched us."Thanks." I laughed a bit wiping my eyes and looking at the others. I nodded and looked away from them all.We all got taken into a room where we got tested and we all just did our own things.Test tubes of different colours were placed around us while a strong blue and white light lit up the room.

I was next to Newt and saw a needle in the mans hand. Newt saw I didn't like the look of it as I didn't like needles. He looked at the man."Uh,wait what is that?" He asked looking at me."Just a little cocktail. Calcium,folate vitamins through A to Z. Pretty much everything you've been deprived with out there. Try to relax." He said as Newt looked at me. He gave the man his arm as he put the needle in. I squinted my eyes and looked away quickly. The man grabbed my arm as I looked at it. Newt grabbed my hand gently and held it as he nodded at me. He smiled at me reassuringly so I looked at him the whole time while the needle was going in my arm.I looked over to Minho who was running on a treadmill for his testing.

"Lucky shit has to run for his testing we have bloody needles." I scoffed holding my head with my other hand since Newt still had my other hand in his.I looked over at Thomas who also had a needle.A doctor walked out and seemed important."Good evening Dr. Crawford." Another Doctor said."Good evening. How are the new arrivals holding up?" She asked as she winked at me with a kind smile."So far,so good." Another said."All right." She said passing me and Newt."Dr. Crawford." I muttered watching her walk to Teresa."What?" Newt asked."I recognise that name." I said looking down closing my eyes."I wanna go bed so badly I'm shattered after today."I said. Newt laughed."Don't worry luv you can sleep soon." He said stroking my hand. It reminded me of Gally but I tried not to show I missed him as much as I did. I was still gutted about what my last words to Gally was before I lost him completely.Thomas got up and went with a solider and left the rest of us as we got taken to a big hall with many other people. I saw Janson and gave him a dirty look before entering the room with Newt and Minho. I didn't look at Minho I just walked in and went to an empty table and sat down.We got given food but I decided not to eat it and just rested my head on Newts shoulder while he ate. I saw Thomas come into the room as Minho went to him.They came back to us as I lifted my head off of Newt as the people infront of us were still talking. Thomas sat next to me as I smiled at him. He gave me a small hug while I gave him a kiss on the cheek getting up walking away from them all talking to a guard.
I could still hear them talking as they looked at a boy with his hood up and a striped sleeves.

I decided to talk to him.



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