~Chapter 52

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We ran across some roads and pushed ourselves up against some glass. A car with sirens passed us with red and blue lights flashing."They definitely have security." Gally said looking to his left seeing if any cars were coming."Guessing you shanks have something to do with that." He said making a smirk form on my lips."Yeah let's get out of here." Gally said running across another road with us behind.We came to a small wall as Gally knelt down putting his hand out for Newt to Climb on. I knew I could just jump up the wall but just wanted Gally to help me.Gally looked at Thomas as Thomas nodded. "I've got it." Tommy jumped which Gally did too. We found a way to get on the large walls guarding the city and ran along the panels. We walked up some stairs that went to some yellow banisters."There it is. If wickeds got Minho that's were they've taken him." Gally said as we looked at the massive building."Thank god we got Aris before he was put there." I said sighing. Gally grabbed a telescope and put it in place."Lawrence has been trying to find a way in for years." He said looking through the telescope."The place is crowded with soldiers they have surveillance everywhere. Scanners on every floor."Gally said leaning on the banisters. I stood next to him staring at the building."Sounds like a bloody fortress." Newt said."I'm guessing Tess is in there." I said which made Thomas looked at me. "Probably." Newt said. "She's also probably doing some sick thing to all the kids aswell." I added ashamed."Yeah I thought you said you had a way in." Thomas says looking at Gally. "I might." Gally nodded in a agreement."You might? What the hell do you mean might." Thomas said raising his voice a little.Gally looked at Thomas. "Have a look." He said backing away from the telescope and leaning against the walls. I walked back with Gally. He held my hand again and I stood close so he could put his hands in his pocket.Thomas looked up from the telescope. He looked at me shooting the 'Fuck it's her' kinda look before spinning around again."It's her isn't it." I mumbled making sure that's what the look meant.Thomas turned to look at me and Gally again."Yeah it is." He said looking at me. I looked down I did miss her but I couldn't forgive her what she had done."I said I had a way in. I didn't say you would like it." Gally said looking down at me then Thomas.We made our way back to where the others were as we started making a plan."No, there's got to be another way." Thomas said walking over to Gally.Gally rolled his eyes and looked at Thomas."Like what? You've seen the building she is our only way in." Gally said."You really thinks she's going to help us?" Thomas argued."I don't plan on asking for her permission." Gally stated making me laugh a little."Am I missing something here? This is the same girl that betrayed us correct. Same dick." Brenda said."Thanks Brend." I said giving her a sarcastic smile."I like her." Gally said. I rolled my eyes playfully and sat down."What's going on." Brenda said softly."What you afraid your little girlfriends gonna get hurt.huh." Newt said."This has obviously never been just about rescuing Minho has it?" Newt added."Newt,what you talking about?" Thomas questioned."Teresa!" Newt answered."Can we stop saying her name please, for the love of god." I said standing up and walking over to Jorge. "She's the reason Minho is even missing in the first place and now we finally have an opportunity you don't want to help him because of her?" Newt said. I looked over at Gally who looked at me clueless and stood next to him instead. I gently held his hand resting my head on his chest listening to them argue."Because deep down inside you still care about her don't you." He said getting all up into Tommy's face."Just admit it." Newt said. "Newt I-." Thomas stuttered."Don't lie to me." Newt said slamming him against the wall. I gasped still in Gally's grip looking at Newt in shock."DONT LIE TO ME." He said again.  "NEWT STOP." I yelled. Newt loosened up and looked back at me.  "I'm sorry." He said looking at Tommy then me.

"What the fuck was that." I said shaking my head walking off into the other room behind us.



I should of said it back|| Gally Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя