~Chapter 4~

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I walked out of my hut jogging over to work. I saw a person sitting against the walls. I ran over to see Tate had fell asleep. She was shaking from the cold and was rolled up like a ball. I decided to pick her up but as I touched her, her skin was freezing. I quickly picked her up gently and ran to my hut putting her under my covers sitting next to her.This was not how i imagined my morning to be.

"Gally you need to go work." Alby said walking in. "Yeah I will just Tate is stone cold she fell asleep against the walls I'm gonna sit with her until she gets back to normal temperature." I said as Alby nodded and walked out.I didn't know what to do so I took my shirt off and put her in it and laid down with her making sure she was getting warmer and i honestly felt like this was a good excuse fo go back to sleep.I put my arm around her for body heat as she moved onto my chest
tangling her legs in mine. I flinched a bit when her legs touched mine. She was still cold and i really hope she doesn't wake up before me because i don't want to give her the wrong idea.

I would never date someone.


Tate's pov

When I woke up I saw I was in Gally's arms and he was asleep aswell. I lifted my body up as Gally moved his head so he was looking at me. "shit." He mumbled sitting up. I frowned at his words. "Hey,may I ask what I'm doing here." I said as he lifted himself up aswell."I went to work saw u were against the walls in my work space,went to wake you up but then I felt your arm and you were freezing. So, I took you here and now here we are." He said getting up and not even looking back at me and that really pissed me off.I looked at his body seeing he didn't have a top on just his shorts as he looked at me.

"Why ain't u got a shirt." I said trying to act like I didn't like what I saw."Look down." He huffed."Oh." I nervously laughed. I took his top off and chucked it to him slipping it back on."Sorry." I said looking down. "Don't worry your fine now and besides I gave you my top .Let's just see what job u have." He blankly looked at me as i got up and walked over to the door."Thanks for doing that." I said looking back at him slightly trying to avoid eye contact.He looked at me and nodded.

"Your welcome." He finally said softly walking out. He stared at me before we reached Alby but i pretended i couldn't see him."Hey Alby." I smiled at the boy giving me a nod."Tate,Gally." He said smiling aswell. "You ok now?"

"Yeah just being outside all night and not having anything isn't the best."I chuckled."Anyways what u here for." He said getting to the point.

"What job does Tate have." Gally asked and I just nodded again."She can be a builder with you Gally, you seem to get on well."

"Alright thanks." We both said walking away."Was I really that bad?" I said looking at him"Yeah you were." He said looking at me with a blank expression.

What was his problem he hardly shows me any emotion even though i woke up to us hugging"Oh well then" I hummed sort of embarrassed he saw me like that. We got to our area and starting working together. Gally was about to call boys over about my hut but I didn't let him yet."Umm,gally before u ask them can I ask u something." I said as he put his stuff down."Yeah." He nodded leaning on the walls."So,as u saw I can't handle myself that well and all that stuff so can I stay in the hut with u for a bit?" I laughed to myself because of how bad that excuse was but the truth was i wanted to be with him more.Gally was hesitant before nodding in agreement rubbing the bridge of his nose."Yeah that works with me just try not to get to cold and freeze me." He smirked as I laughed. Finally something.

"I hate you." I smiled at him as he kissed my head.What the hell...



I should of said it back|| Gally Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant