Actual Kiss

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Au: actors au

Info: hiccup and Viggo are actors and Viggo has Always had to take the role of the bottom and had to do romantic scenes with either Heather or Astrid meanwhile hiccup Always played a role of a  background Character while enjoying watching people have to act and fake kiss

Summary: grim gets bored with the straight and gets to the queer during the acting Viggo decided to make it feel more realistic and kisses hiccup


"ALRIGHT!! Time for the next scene!" grim yelled out into the microphone

"Well, we are going to switch things up a bit! Am getting very Very bored with the same old straight shit let's get into the GAY!" grim yelled making every a bit surprised

Viggo on the other hand wasn't he had expected grim to make some qqeer scenes understanding her kind of romance

"well day it's prince x vampire trope but a bit different if I can say that Viggo will be the top  that is a human man while hm..." grim stopped for a moment and began to look at the cast of boys and then her eyes sparkled as she saw hiccup

"hiccup! Hiccup will be the bottom a vampire kidnapped by the top human and now the humans pet!"

All casts Jaws dropped  while viggo only made a small grin

"- am sorry why me?! I've n-never had this kind okrole before!" hiccup yelled

"oh don't worry hiccy if anything goes wrong then we'll cut and besides it might make things more interesting" grim said as hiccup almost blushed he couldn't believe what he heard

3 minutes past by and everyone and everything was set

"Action!" grim yelled and the camera was on

The camera pointing to heather and Astrid as the maids began to clean to the room

The camera turned to face viggo and hiccup who came out of a covered viggo wore a prince attire wiht his crown on top as hiccups wrist were tied up in an rope as he wore a robe and

"ladies please leave" viggo ordered as the they did as told

Viggo then grabbed the rope that held on to hiccup tired wrist and they wen to the now emty balcony

"this very boring" hiccup hissed as he look at the moon viggo made a small growl

"and what the hells with your expectations of every thing to be interesting? Another thing that vampires desire?" viggo asked sternly

"says the one who won't feed me the right food" hiccup barked

"and says the little scum that was stupid enough to fall for a simple as a bear trap" viggo barked back

"fair I guess but seriously I haven't drank blood for so long!" hiccup replied banging his first onto the concrete fence

Viggo looked at the Hiccup just continued to quietly complained

"he has the balls to call a vampire a scum but doesn't have the balls to kiss one" hiccup then said quietly giggling at the thought hiccup was in shocked viggo then grabbed hiccup and grabbing his hands placing them down at the fence

"you think I don't have the balls watch"

Before hiccup sould react viggo smashed his lips onto hiccups it was and literal kiss  hiccup struggled only to feel viggo touching his thigh and making the kiss deeper

Hiccup was in shock so was the other cast grim made her 'GAYYYYY' face almost at the erge to laugh to histeric

Heather and astrid were mostly jealous as they never had an actual kiss like that before

The kissed lasted a Little longer then expect and the camera stopped recording

"Cut! OH MAH FUCKING GOD I SWEAR IF THAT WASN'T A REAL ASS KISS I HAVE NO FUCKIGN IDEA WHAT IS"  grim yelled as she was freaking balls out

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