It's Ironic Really

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Summary: ryker watching as his little brother starts to slowly fall in love

(ryker doesn't betray viggo in this au and some of the story parts are changed)

Watching his brother in progress is something very rare he does but ever since they first met viggo starts to become more active then per usual and came Round more and more afton

This meant ryker saw viggo outside of the tent more

It was actually one of the first behaviors ryker actually noticed another a few days past and he noticed how's viggo started using nicknames for hiccup

Such as 'my dear' or 'my boy' they would seem normal at a first glance but when it became a bit more frequent ryker for once noticed his brothers antiques and grew abut supried its ironic really

A few more days later they made an auction for some reason he riders and were there That meant hiccup was there also apparently viggo was pleased to know

After they were able to take berks gold

Ryker noticed viggo looking a bit guilty

"somethin wrong?" ryker asked

"nothing brother" Viggo said and ryker just left

After That day viggo suddenly putted a bounty onf hiccup and ryker had to deliver hiccup to viggo

Unfortunately that leaded to ryker almost getting choked and sending the warning by stoick to viggo who wasn't pleased in anyways

The mor days past te more it became clear to ryker

"he's in love" ryker muttered to himself as he then walked away

After hiding the gold under some stone and fake ancient ruins  viggo began to make it very clear to ryker

It's ironic really

The leader of the dragon hunters 'savy buisness man' who just seeks dragon for buonsesss is in love wiht hiccup haddock not only the tamer of the mgiht fire but also the leader of the dragon riders

It's very ironic

"oh Odin" ryker grunted uneasy wiht the idea clear in his bald head ready to just make the obvious move

(bald headed Mario)

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