short snippets of vigcup aus

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Au: living puppet

Description: hiccup is a living puppet that comes to life one day and video tried to turned him into a real boy keeping his puppet past a secret

-short snippet-

Hiccup was reading a book that was handed by his friend viggo who said that reading the book will keep him company while viggo leaves to go and by some things

While ryker appearantly viggo older brother was at the living room practically just staring at the tv watching sports

It was a shooter to hiccup that eyker and viggo were brother let alone be associated with one another but could your blame the puppet

They were almost opposits viggo was more in the smarts while ryker was in the strengths, ryker was aggressive but viggo was more calm, viggo seemed to use word to demolish his enemies while ryker litterly demolishes his enemies  they had different trairs but much to hiccup s understanding they would make a pretty good team if viggo and ryker would at least talk or have some kind of bonding moment

But hiccup didn't want to get to much in there there brother-ish business

Hiccup was halfway through the pages by the time he heard some footsteps coming his direction

-next au-

Au: foolish love

Au: au where viggo falls madly in love with hiccup that viggo starts doing things he thought he'd never do with ryker just try to get viggo into his sences but with failure

-short snippet-

"Viggo I swear to Odin this sick phase needs to stop" ryker grumbled

"Ryker it's not this phase you wish to see as" viggo sighed

"It's a damn crush" ryker muttered under his harshly breath

"You see me do noticed" viggo snarkily commented

"The whole fucking business had noticed it you muttonhead!" Ryker said

"Viggo one day this crush is or will turn into this obsession and it will affect the business you have to be at least smart enough to know that!" Ryker said

"It's funny how now your yelling me this bullshit after Many years of lack of genuine interactions" viggo said

River fell silent and that same day they completely ignored one another

-next au-

Au: live streamer au

Au:modern au where hiccups a new live streamer where videos is a rich business man watching the boys streams and being one of hiccups most loyal viewers Afton donating moneys,virtual gifts,encouraging etc.

-short story-

"Hey guys it's me nightfury here back again with some how to train your dragon" Hiccup cheered as he was wearing a black dragon mask while the comment welcomed him

"Just today you helped me reach 10k subscribers I will be doing a Q&A while fighting a boss battle" hiccup said smiled as he began to open his game


Vigggo one of the most riches people around the city was watching nightfurys live stream as viggo was sitting in his office desk

"I also wanted to give a huge thank you too savy_buinsessman for all the amazing support you have been giving for these past months" the live streamer said which lit up a small smile on viggos emotionless face this light smile made some of the workers who were walking past him shocked an there's eyes widen


Au: virtual au

Au desc: hiccup wakes up in a game and meets the NPCs planning yo find a away out of here hiccup has to play along with there story while finding ways to escape little did hiccup knew one of the "NPCs" was more then a "NPC"

-short story-

Hiccup sat on a chair staring at the men who was behind all of this madness

Viggo grimborn

The supposed antagonist of race to the edge looking at the man before him made hiccup almost gag he couldn't believe someone who he trusted and cared out would end up being such a monsters

"Just the two of us now my dear" viggo smiled almost all lovey dovey it made hiccup almost wanna punch viggo in the face

"Why.... Why did you this?!" Hiccup yelled getting up on the chair "I did it for you" viggo answered

"K care about very much my dear I enjoy your smarts, skills, and passion I just had to do anything In my power to protect you" viggo explained

"Even if it mean leaving all of my frie-"

"Characters my dear if it mean leaving those characters to die then so be it they had no purpose" viggo sternly gutted hiccup correct ing hiccup

"But what a out your brother?!?" Hiccup asked

The mention of river made viggo pause for a second

"Me and him I didn't have that much of a bond my dear" viggo answered

"Stop calling me that y-you monster!" Hiccup exclaimed trying to get away but a forces store him from going away

"My dear I simply can't let you" viggo sighed

-that's all for today sorry for not posting for so lon-

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