Vigcup Shorts #2

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Oki so if I didn't tell y in #1 I actually am going to do more in this page because hey at least it's vigcup related owo
Hiccup: HELP! 'runs'

Viggo: COME HERE PRETTY BOY! 'runs after hiccup'
Viggo: dear?

Hiccup: yes?

Viggo: I don't really like your name

Hiccup: what?

Viggo: mostly your last name


Viggo: you should change it to grimborn will u marry me? 'pulls out a ring'
Hiccup: hey viggo do I cross your mind

Viggo: no

Hiccup:... Oh-

Viggo: you stay in it

Hiccup: 0////////0
Viggo: hey heather

Heather: yes?

Viggo: you to realize your so close to perfection right?

Heather: really why-

Viggo: because your right next to hiccup

Hiccup: 0//////0
Fishlegs:ok viggo I dare you to kiss the person you made out last night

Snotlout: that is a stupid dare fishfa-

Viggo: mala

Mala: TWE DID No-

Viggo: do I look like I would make out with a bitch like u? Move over so I cna go and fuck hiccup

Everyone: . . . . .

Hiccup: Nope 'runs'

Viggo: COME HERE! 'gets ups and runs after hiccup'

(oki that's all I hope ya like it bye bye!!!!)

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