Vigcup Headcanons Ft. My Aus

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Au: dragon care taker au

Headcanon1: hiccup  is probably the only reason why viggo tolerates the dragons aordun the house

Headcannon2: sometimes hiccups peg leg gets stolen by either the dragon or viggo sicne he love messing with hiccup during work

Heandcanon3: toothless loves lickign hiccups face and style his hair when he can

Au: dancing bloody-murder  au

Headcanon1: viggo has to cover his victims dead bodies wiht plastic and barryign at the beach under neath the shores and stopped useign the basement as a place to hti it because hiccup almost thought his pet dog toothless died form the smell

Headcanon2: viggo is pretty good at cooking and hivvup is normally the one who cleaned the house its a fair thign for there relationship

Headcanon3: toothless would tend to do soemthgin that angers viggo either push in soemthgin of a shelf or just straigh5up bark during his killing

Headcannon4: the others met viggo and didn't turst him much but hiccup convinced them anyways

Au: crazy Villian au

Headcanon1: hiccup is fond of splashing water

Headcanon2: how hiccup is able to hide the dead bodies is soemthgin that no one's not evne viggo was Abel to find Out

Headcanon3: when stammer found abotu thee a fair he literally almost jumped of a roof because of it

Headcanon4: ryker doesn't like hiccups alot but only tolerates him fro his ideas to Prank viggo which ryker likes to do

Au: fnf au (idk what to call it)

Headcanon1: viggo likes hiccup being all flustered and enjoys battling with hiccup

Headcanon2: hiccup likes pop music while viggo like jazz

Au: normal au

Headcanon1: hiccup and stammer are intentor Buddies

Headcanon2: viggo would give hiccup the usual nicknames like "my dear hiccup" or just "my dear"  but when no one is arodun he loves to. All him "my presiouse dragon" or "pretty dragon/prize"

Headcanon3: hiccup would publicly call viggo babe or sunshine(as a joke)  but when people aren't aordun he calls him "honey" or "darling"

That's all sorry but that's all hope you gto SOEM suggestions and even maybe let me recap on some stuff I left out bye

vigcup one-shots (remake)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें