Vigcup Evil AU Part 1

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Summary: Viggo being a father of two soon to be evil kids and husband of a evil dragon rider

Feat. Dagur and ryker

-based on a au of farel hiccup-


An beautiful lady sat across the sirusly man as they were discussing about there plans between them was a map of the archipelago as some island were crossed out and some weren't still in debate

"oh am sure my team can help you with anything and maybe I could be your personally company~" the lad said attempting to woo the siruse man as he then held on the dragons hunters arm gently

Viggo seemly unfazed and a bit of anger by the attempt hissed out "sorry but am no need of company" Viggo gavr a stern and cold look on the lady and wiht tat one sign made in clear form he lady back away a bit

Viggo then turns back to the the map on the ground

"papa!" a little girl called out giving Viggo a surprise hug catching Viggo of guard

"gabrius!" Viggo said trying to get he raskle off

"what did I say about interrupting me at work?!" Viggo lectured gabrius putting the boy down

"sorry mama said he was busy!" gabrius pouted

Viggo sighed and chuckled "it's fine son now go play with your sister" viggo said showing a small pinch of happiness

"EXUSE me mama?? And a child?" the lady said shocked

"yes I have a husband and two kids got a problem?" Viggo sternly said

"husband?!" the girl was either pissed or more shocked ut Viggo couldn't care less

"son you go and tell your mama that I'll be gone for a while" Viggo ordered and babrius nodded and ran away

"now as for you" Viggo said tuning to the lady

"were going to have a chat" Viggo said


Viggo was on his desk working until he heard hiccup call his name

"hey Viggo!" hiccup called coming inside carrying gabrius and virucy like sacks

"honey am going to go out to some un finished expedition can you or ryker take care of our kids for me?" hiccup asked as he then dropped the two feisty kids

"but mom!!" gabrius whined "were big kids now!" virucy whined more as hiccup simply laughed doubting that

"I think I could grab a certain berserker here to take care of them" Viggo gave them a sly smirk to hiccup who smiled satisfied

"he did owe me for giving me the wrong information for the location of the dragon eye" Viggo continued on "and how long will that be?" hiccup asked

"probably about for a week my dear" Viggo answered continuing on his work

"if it means we could our honeymoon and be my guest" hiccup chuckled as he snuck a kiss on viggos cheek

"don't worry my dear I promise I'll make you feel good~" Viggo assured grabbing hiccups waist

"eww!!" both gabrius and virucy yelled in synce making hiccup laugh and Viggo role his eyed holding a small laugh

"your just like your uncle you know that?" Viggo said

"no we're not!" virucy protested

"we're not ugly!" gabrius continued

"and rude-"

"alright you two brats you had enough" ryker cutted them off giving them a stern look as he then grabbed them both

"gatta go honey" hiccup smid kissing Viggo on the cheek and leaves the hut

"alright you can drop them your troll" Viggo insulted ryker probability not to offend but lightly

"ugh you brats are lucky" he muttered dropping the two who cheekily run away

"what brings you here anyways?" Viggo asked "well let's just say I have some bad news" ryker sighed Resting by a stable pole

"careful brother your strength might break my tent here and you really don't want to see my dear hiccup now?" Viggo joked lightly as ryker rolled his eyes laughing sarcastically

"ha... Ha... Not funny" ryker hissed and Viggo ignored

"about the bad new so the bad news is is that those damn dragon riders destoryed our boats" ryker said

"how many?" Viggo asked

"some where between 5 or 8" ryker akswer and Viggo banged his fist on the desk

"careful brother you might break your own table" ryker joked back "aperantly wiht or without there leader they still can function correctly" Viggo said quietly impressed "yeah even those annoying nut brain twist are doing well" ryker sighed

" by the way your not planning on Makin me baby sit those brats are you?" ryker asked almost surprisingly nurvouse and Viggo chuckle

"I'll think about it but since you haven't pissed me off yr I'll just call dagur to baby sit them" Viggo answered

"and your actually planning on resting for a week?" ryker said surprised by viggos wish to rest

"yes" Viggo answer

"I don't know wiher to be happy or be against it" ryker sighed walking away

"leave and don't forget to send a terror mail to dagur to visit the base to babysit my kids OK?!" Viggo yelled

"am not deaf" ryker muttered and nodded as he then leaves the tent

vigcup one-shots (remake)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ