vigcup headcannons (modern)

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Headcanons for modern vigcup aus

Suger daddy au:
Au description: hiccup has a broke student and ends up getting a suger daddy who could help him financially

-whenever viggo isn't busy he would by hiccup gifts these gift are either expensive jewelry or nice clothes

-hiccup is a humble and a bit of a cheepscape due to his poor status even if viggo insists on buying hiccup expensive things he still considers the price

-when viggo is out doing business hiccup is at the mansions man crafts or sketches of mystical creature as fantasy and adventure are his favorite genres

-viggo sometimes asks for some sexual time but there either interrupted by a call or something else

-due to the big age gap between viggo and hiccup the gan tends to tease about it

-because of viggo tending to be to uncomfortably flirty this gave the gang some discomfort when viggo around

Normal modern au:
Au description: normal au where viggo and hiccup meet,fall in love and they live happily together won't a cat named toothless

-viggo at first didnt like the cat due to it shedding tones of fire in the couch, bed and even in some of viggo clothes but learn to get use to it

-hiccup likes reading adventure stories and like to talk about them with viggo who is more then eager to listen to them

-viggo and hiccup tend to be a bit competitive when it comes to chess

-when hiccup invites the gang over for some board games they don't usually let viggo join if it's monopoly because he seems to know the game to well which felt not an insult and a compliment for viggo

-(idk how to describe so here an short)
"How I think viggo first impression to stock and Valka was

*all for of them sitting in the table*

Hiccup: daddy could you pass the soy sauce?

Stoick: here yo-

Viggo: *hands over the small bowl of soy sauce* here your my dear-

*stoick chokes viggo while Valka either joins stoick on the beating: or joins hiccup to stop stoick*

-ryker rarely show up since he is already focoused on his wife and kids

-ryker was the last person hiccup would expect to come to his door step with a drunk viggo

Teachers au(dark version):

Au description: hiccup is a P.E teacher who has a crush on history teacher mr. Viggo grimborn

-viggo would discover hiccups feelings by either
A:gossiping from the students
B:hiccups accidentally spurts it out by accident
C:hiccups confesses his feelings directly towards viggo

-hiccup tend to get nervous during there dates

-viggo thinks it's funny to see hiccup blush hence having a nagging to flirt with hiccup

-both of them like to play chest when there bored

-hiccup is the chill type of teacher but also takes the class sirusly while viggo is more strict and more "boring" to most students

-ryker at first was against there relationship but learned to suck it up

-viggo is a bit soft when it comes to hiccup

-fishlegs would be the first person to know about hiccups crushing

-when it comes to anything related to finance or shopping hiccup let's viggo take care of it

-there first date was at a park

-hiccups cat toothless likes to rub on viggo shoes or on his lap

-when viggo and hiccup got into an official relation one of the students fought a picture of them during one of there dinners together kissing and it spreader around the school

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