Grimborn Sibling Life

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Look I know this is soppose to be about vigcup but hye I cant resist and beside wouldn't be fun to know what's like to have grim as ya sibling? Well also the chat is like going to be in the page vigcup Exposed so ya and also yes viggo will be having a crush on hiccup

And yes

Grim: 'runs around the base'

Viggo: what is that muttonhead even up to?

Ryker: 'run after Girm with a towel on'

Viggo: oh sho- 'gets up and starts to run after them'

Hiccup: alright this is all over you guys now have to tell us the truth

Grim: oh oki well the truth is is that viggo actually likes ya!

Viggo: grim!

Grim: and ya he likes ya soo much he actually never shuts up about how cute ya are in his sleep!

Viggo: NOT True!

Grim: I don't lie when I KNOW am telling the truth

Viggo: 'blushing' you....

Grim: oh come on vig admit it! Ya know he would find out soon!


Ryker: ugh why did viggo have to lock himself in his own room!!

Girm: 'knocks on the door' unlock the door viggo

Viggo: NO!

Grim: you dare say no to me?!

Grim: 'breaks the door open' COME HER YA LITTLE BEEP

Viggo: 'screams'

Ryker:.... 'leaves'

Grim: hey brother~ huhuhuhu

Viggo: wha do u want?

Girm: nothing much dear bother just want to know if I could show the dragon rider this 'shows viggo his drawings'

Viggo: YOU WILL NOT SO GIVE THEM BACK! 'tries to grab the drawings'

Grim: NEVER! 'starts running'

Viggo: 'chases after grim'
Grim: boys I need your help

Viggo adn ryker: 'ignores'

Grim:.... A boy broke my heart!

Viggo and ryker: 'turns to Girm'

Viggo: let's go

At the market

Viggo: 'holding mace' so this is arpolion?

Grim: ya I just wanted you guys to drop me HA! I can't believe I still worked 'leaves'

(oki that's all i hope ya liked it! And ya see yall next tiem ya beautiful people bye bye!)

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