Mission Sabotoge Part 2

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Info: in this au viggo loves Sabotoging event such as parties metting etc. Grim and ryekr have helped him sometimes but only if they want to One day the well know sneeky Sabotoger starts to have feelings for hiccup but he discovers that he is dating Astrid this makes viggo furious and he plans to Sabotog there date while getting hiccup to love him but while making a plan he find out about a secret that Astrid had been hiding form hiccup a very long time and this give viggo and advantage how do things end up going? Will viggo actually win hiccups heart? Let's find out

Viggos pov

I was taping my pencil  on the sheet of papers as I was thinking of a plane to Sabotoging there little goody wasted anniversary as I then saw Girm stare at me

"whast do you want?" I asked in an annoyed voice as Girm just smirked

"I know whast your trying to do viggo" Girm said as i jsut sighed

"so? Why you bother?" I asked as I just looked back at my sheet

"I know ya well bro and since you're doing this plan just to win hiccups heart you don't want to ruin it by making it look like a selfish person right?" Grim said as i nodded

"well what if I tell ya I actually know something about Astrid that might have a very bad effect on there relationship?" grim said a si then turned to her

"tell me now" is said as grim nodded and took a seat

"it seems that Astrid actually is lesbian and actually has been seeing that Heather girl," she said as I then pinched myself

I- I just couldn't believe this grim laughed at my shocked face as I just  pinched myself again to see if am dreaming

"look if ya think am lying well am not I have proof" grim said as she then slid down a piece of paper as I then took and read it out loud

Grims pov

" 'Heather is honestly so cute I shouldn't have dated hiccup in the first place I can't believe I was lesbian the entire time UGH from Astrid" viggo read as I just stared at him

"OK I dont know if I should or should not ya know believe you" viggo said as I coufl see the shock in him

"ya shoudl because that a full proof right there do ya have a plan now with this info?" I asked a sviggo nodded I just smiled

"well time to go ill be expecting you with hiccup bye," I said as I left the hut

"so you told him?" Ryker said as I nodded "am betting that he will come back with hiccup gone" Ryker laughed as I just shrugged i then left 

At night befor the start of the anniversary (look am lazy and I want to get to the main point of this story already)

Viggos pov

As I watching them having fun... Together.... Ew I just stared in a pretty much safe distance as I then saw my opportunity as I saw Astrid leave  as 8 then kenw that as smy cue to go out as I then putted on my new made mask as I then cleaned some dust of some of my news clothes as I then went there

"umm hello" I said as hiccup then turned to me I  laughed as I blushed

I... Didn't actually know he was this cute when up close

"um w-who are you?"  hiccup asked as I realized that I didn't indruduse myself dang it! How embarrassing!

"o-oh! Sorry about that my name is... Victor! Ya my name is Victor!" i said as I almost completely forgot to giv emyself a fake name

"well nice to meet you Victor am hiccup"  hiccups said as he shows a smile

He looks so cute....

"hey hiccup!" i heard a female voice as I me and hiccup the turned to see that Astrid girl ugh great

"o-oh hey astrid meet Victor" hiccup said

"oh hellow Victor nice to meet you!" Astrid said as she was trying to give me a hands shake BU I jsut slapped it rolling my eyes

"hey that wasn't cool" hiccup said as I jus sighed

"listen I just don't like girls" I said as hiccup just shrugged  as Astrid jsut sighed

"so... Um... Now what?" hiccup said breaking the silence as I just stayed silent

"how abotu we have a nice flight!" the astird girl said as I then gulped as i was already getting second thoughts

"that's a good idea but umm Victor just curious have you ever ride a dragon before?" hiccup asked as I just wnet silent

I just shake my head making a no gesture as hiccup then nodded probably understanding

"well fit hat case how about we teach you" hiccup suggestion

"s-sorry but I prefer not to" I said a hiccup then nodded I guess he agrees wiht me

"well if you ay so how abotu you ride wiht me on toothless" he aid as he then points to the night fury who was jsut staring at me

"uhh.. If you... S-say so?" I said as hiccup then smiled

"um hiccup can we have a talk alone?" Astrid asked hiccup nodded as they went to a far distance as I heard them talking I was starting to think that they sre starting to find otu as I was kind of getting nurvouse

"Astrid! You can't just say that! We hardly know him!" i heard hiccup say

"I know but-"

"no buts ok Astrid... Geez I dotn know whast goign on wiht you now" hiccup said as he then walked to me

"sorry abotu that me and astird were jsut talking" hiccup said as I just shrugged

"let's jsut go" hiccup said as he then went on the night fury the Astrid girl then went on her dragon s hiccup jsut stared at me

"umm are you... Going to get on?" hiccup asked as I just quietly  went on the night fury as I was already feeling un comfortable

"don't worry this will be fun jsut hold on"

(OK that's all sorry but there will be part 2 I am just straight up loosing myself man bye bye )

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