Hiccup Changes The Dragon Hunters Part 3

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Viggos pov

Hiccup then starts to talk to me as I was listening he looks so cute honestly as he talks it feels like music to my ears

"viggo.... I honestly want to say.... Thank u" hiccup said

"your welcome my dear hiccup" I said hiccup then look as me wiht a curios look

"why did u choose to help me and toothless?" hiccup asked as I then told hiccup about my feelings for him

Hiccups face was shock as I told him how much I had feelings for him he then told me he does think am hto befor as I blushed he actually did

"so.... Should we start helping the men wiht there care taking training?" i asked as hiccup then nodded

Hiccups pov

We both got up and we saw the hunter trying to care the dragon but it was a big fail as the dragon were jsut running away i laughed as vigo then face-palmed

"looks like I have lots of things to teach them" I said as viggo then nodded

Now I started to teach the dragon hunters how to Properly take care of a dragon and they didn't listen at first but when they knew about the announcement they had now choose to listen

They were honestly hard to teach we of course had to remove all the tools used to hunt to dragon

A few years later

Hiccups pov

Me and viggo are now dating and let's jsut say grim is now alreyad married to a boy named Austin let's jsut say that ryker tends to glare at Austin which tends to scare him

The dragon care center has grown to be bettter and better eahc passing day the dragons are now planing to come here and let's just the gang..... Did decide to coems here and beg for my apology I did forgave them but viggo didn't he has told me he wanted to kill them a that spot but

He did tend to stay distant away from the gang but he only came close when I was there with the gang if to answer the question yes they did goe back to the edge they only visit in a monthly basis but fishlegs became a weekly visitor he has always bee soe happy to see me and he has also tol me that he was veyr sorry for not telling me about Astrid liking someone he did wanted to tell me but made him keep his mouth shut

Viggo's pov

As I saw fishlegs and hiccup talk to each oerh I then sighed and smiled.... He is so happy....... I love his smiles I am jsut so excited to propose to him soon I then walked away

I then saw rim and Austin show up they were talking to each oeht about something btu I sighed and walks past them

I then walked up to the mountain and I look up at the sky I smiled..... As I knew.... Hiccup and I were meant to be.....

"viggo!" i heard soemoen as I turned it was hiccup he then ran to me

"why were you here?" hiccup asked as I jsut sighed

"oh come on I just like the view" I said as hiccup and I just laughed thinking about it

We both then sitted next to each toehr as we then relaxed

"I was wandering when are we Goin got be married?" hiccup asked

"soon my dear... Soon" I said as hiccup then leaned on my shoulder as we watched the sunset

(alright that's all I hope you liked it bye bye!)

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