Why Where Did This All Come From?

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Au: Tentions au

Hiccup not only a dragon hybrid but a very well respected leader along with his small team and his pet BRID toothless him and hsi team has always protected there home town berk but little did the whole town knew hiccup Has been dealing with a dangerous threat named viggo grimborn his nickname is victor hiccup didnt tell not even his own team knows about the danganrouse threat that lurks behind the shadows hiccup has always kept his and his nemesis viggo a secret and no oens knows abotu there rivalry and hiccup wants to keep it hat way while in viggos point of view he doesn't seems to not get enough of hiccup and not evne he himself knows why

Note: this is anotehr modern au-
Grim: jsut say it most of your au's are literally modern
Well was-ugh anywasynow for the story
Stop i totally am fine

-no one's pov-

=viggos lair=

viggo was taking a glance at one of his papers that cam from a pretty large tower of papers he then started to think about hiccup as all he could see was his beautiful smiled

"stop it your becomgin to crazy over your own enemy!" he said to himself as he then slaped himself in the face trygin to get back his lost sences but he jsut gave in beside this had gone on for a very long tiem ever sicne he lied eyes on hiccup

He had to admit he was pretty wrong hiccup was an interesting dragon hybrid a with just elegent skales in his fair skin and his forest green eyes filled with mother natural viggo did love how stobbron hiccup can get evne tho ti maybe annoygin soemtiems but nothing can ever changed that especially his hunger for knowladge  viggo jsut sighed as he knew he was becomgin mroe addicted every sign second of thinkign abotu him he then sighed and look at his papers and then made a long sigh as he ehn look up the only window that gave such natural light

-meanwheil in hiccup tree house-

-hiccups pov-

I was reading my books and some of my notes and yet I still can't get rid of my enemy viggo otu of my firkfign head! Ugh I then banged my head on my table as I then heard the door open

"hey hiccup we are gogin to go and eat wanna come?" I heard a recognizable voice ask me I then turned to see Astrid leangin on the door way of my three house

"no Astrid I feel a bti tired" i answered strechgin my amrd and clossign the books

"why are you introverted lately? Did soemthgin happen?" astird then asked as in my head I started think of some believable lie

"I am just feleign tired" I lied as I tried to sound a bti mroe tried "hmm well... If that's so then you should go and sleep" astird said "btu waht abotu-"

"don't worry I'll take care of toothless" astird said

"n-no! Not that i mean what fi the Tema needs me?" i said

"dotn worry you can rest ill take charge good nguth" he said as he then leaves I then sighed and relief as I then turned to my pet bird toothless who jsut glared at me

"I know lying is not a good choice but... It can't get them involved" i said as I then took a seat on my desk

-no one's pov-

In both sides of the two enemies they were really dennyign there weird feelings for each other but never did admitted it infront of eachother but deep inside they jsut wished they coufl be together

But there w as only one question that was stuck in there head

"why?- where did thsi all coem from?"

That's all sorry it's nto that logn due to my now limitations for these oneshots and sorry very that's all bye

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