Vlog #53 | day 4 of Scarlett's birthday

Start from the beginning

" Scar??" She asked softly removing her head at my chest and look up to me

"hmm? You ok?"

" I feel so tired and sleepy... I don't know why" she pouted can't even open her eyes

" It's fine, c'mon just rest. I'll wake you up later" i hummed letting hee bury her face on my neck as her lips are brushing on my skin unintentionally

All i cam hear is her heavy breathing and her fast heart beat while her legs are being intertwined with mine and her bot of her arms are wrapped around me

"That's what happens when you drink 4 cups of coffee in a day, drink now palpitate later" i stated chuckling and heard a soft laugh before hearing soft snores

"Oh yeah, let's go to Starbucks coffee can remove this sleepiness" she huff getting off me but i pulled her again In a hug

"Do you want to die?????"

"You know the answer on that" she says sarcastically chuckling and i just bury her face playfully on my chest suffocating her

"This is such a great way to die" she mumbled on my chest and i just pushed her away laughing
"We're on our way!!!" She screamed while driving

"Why are you so excited?? We met her like 5 times already" i huff

"Oh you're gonna see why I'm excited" she responded with a evil smirk

We arrived and she hold my hand as we walked passed through the crowd.

"y/n!!!!!!!!!" A feminine voice says making me narrow my eyes on who it is while we're running towards that person

"Jeez you're looking so good" y/n says hugging her tightly while complimenting the woman and I'm just standing there watching them

"Oh yeah, doja this is my wife Scarlett and babe this is doja. She's a good friend of mine" she says introducing me, I don't know why but when she's talking to others and introduce me as her *wife* my jealousy and anger is just slipping away

"Where's harry?" Y/n asked looking around

"On his way...oh billie says she's gonna be late coz of her y'know" doja says hitting y/n playfully with her shoulder

"How about Timothee???"

"Can you stop taking attendance?" I asked and doja choked on her drink laughing

"Fine" y/n huff and go beside me hugging me from the waist swinging around while we're waiting

"Heyyy" harry says coming out of nowhere and gave us all kiss on the cheeks

We then glare to see billie waving her hand from afar with a guy

"heyy, Oh yeah everyone this is Matthew" she approach

Y/n then get off me to shake his hand

"Y/n right?" He asked

"The one and only" she responded playfully

"I'm Matthew"

"Heard it the first time" y/n answered sarcastically making Matthew look down and laugh
*Adele singing chasing pavements*

should i give up or should i Keep on chasing pavements..

"KEEP ON CHASING LOOK I GOT MINE!!!!!!!" y/n shouted holding my hand and raise it getting adeles attention and accidentally making her chuckle in the middle of her performance

" Hey Scarlett?? Do you mind if we like tied her in a chair and put tape on her mouth???" Harry asked me and i just burst out laughing looking down
"We could have had it all
Rolling in the deeeeep!!!" I started singing my lungs out while y/n is just standing there watching me

" Uh in case you forgot, you're married and you got a wife" she said awkwardly and i just laugh before pulling her hand as we both sing loudly
"I can't loooooove you in the daaaAaaAaaark
It feels like we're oceans apaaAaart
There is so much space between us
Baby, we're already defeated!!!!" We both says swinging our hand seems like we're going through some crisis

"Are you sure they're ok?" Billie asked

"I'm having second thoughts too" doja answered playfully

" Nah I'm joining" harry says and also started singing with us
I'd go hungry, I'd go black and blue
I'd go crawling down the avenue
No, there's nothing that I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love

Y/n suddenly grabbed my waist as she intertwined our fingers dancing slowly in the middle of the crowd while listening to Adele's live singing
"Ok uh while I'm singing i just noticed these persons and my heart couldn't melt more" adele says and a spotlight hit us while the staff gave us a mic

"Please keep the strong feelings of your relationship....any messages for each other?" She says softly

" Mic test, mic test, Scarlett rail me, mic test" y/n says in the mic as of she's checking it filling the whole place with laughter

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