Chapter Thirteen

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After walking back downstairs, Happy tells us to sit on the couch. I sit in the middle of the couch, between Peter and Morgan. Pepper sits on the other side of Morgan, and Happy sits on the other side of Peter. Rhodey sits in a separate chair, and Steve and Thor stand behind us. Steve places an Iron Man helmet on the side table and presses a button, displaying a hologram in front of the fireplace.

I frown when I see my dad, looking at us while sitting on a chair that is turned backwards. The hologram looks so real that I have to remind myself that he's not actually here. He smiles directly at me, and I find myself smiling back.

Peter squeezes my hand tightly, but I can't bring myself to take my eyes off of my dad. Even though I know this isn't real, I'm trying to convince myself that it is. I imagine that I can't see the blue rays of the projector, and that he really is here in front of me.

"Everybody wants a happy ending, right? But it doesn't always roll that way. Maybe this time. I'm hoping if you play this back, it's in celebration. I hope families are reunited, I hope we get it back, and something like a normal version of the planet has been restored. If there ever was such a thing.

"God, what a world. Universe, now. If you told me ten years ago that we weren't alone, let alone, you know, to this extent, I mean, I wouldn't have been surprised. But come on, you know? The epic forces of darkness and light that have come into play. And, for better or worse, that's the reality Morgan's gonna have to find a way to grow up in."

Tears are streaming down my face, but I don't look away. I want to remember exactly how he looks sitting here in front of me. I want to remember how his voice sounds. I want to remember how comforting it is for him to be here, even if he isn't really here.

"So, I thought I'd probably better record a little greeting... In the case of an untimely death on my part. I mean, not that death at any time isn't untimely. This time travel thing that we're gonna try and pull off tomorrow, it's got me scratching my head about the survivability of it all. That's the thing. Then again, that's the hero gig. Part of the journey is the end."

He stands up and walks closer towards us, leaning down in front of Morgan and I. "What am I even trippin' for? Everything's gonna work out exactly the way it's supposed to."

He looks directly at me. "My greatest creation is you." He looks Morgan, who is hugging my arm. "And you."

I tighten my grip on Peter's hand to remind myself that this isn't real. Tony slightly backs away, his gaze still on Morgan.

"I love you 3,000," he says to her, before turning to me and smiling. "And I love you infinity."

"And beyond," I whisper to myself.

The tape ends, and he disappears. It feels like I'm losing him all over again. Everybody stands up, leaving Peter and I alone in the room. I feel him watching me, but I continue staring at where my dad just was. I feel tears running down my face, but I don't make a move to wipe them away.

"Gracee?" Peter says my name softly.

"He was just here," I say quietly.

"He's gone." Peter's voice breaks.

I turn to him and see that he is crying. I know that his heart is aching for my dad just as much as mine is. The door opens, and Pepper and Morgan walk through it.

"It's time," Pepper says.

I wipe my tears, standing up and walking towards them. The look on Morgan's face kills me, but I know there's nothing I can do to make it go away. She wants her dad back, just like I do.

Pepper hands me the wreath with the arc reactor on top, framed with the words that I reread. Peter lets go of my hand, walking outside and taking his place next to May.

We open the door, stepping out into the fresh air. I shiver, but the chill that goes down my spine isn't because of the temperature. It's warm outside, and the sunlight warms my skin.

I carry the wreath in one hand, holding Morgan's tiny hand in the other. Pepper takes Morgan's other hand in hers, so that she is in between us. We walk down the steps of the front porch, past familiar faces who line either side of us, creating a path towards the dock. I stare ahead, not bothering to smile at anyone we pass.

When we get to the dock, I bend down and gently place the wreath on the surface of the water. It floats as it is carried away by wind.

"I love you, Dad," I whisper.

One of Pepper's hands is on my shoulder, the other on Morgan's. Morgan stands between us as we kneel, and she is just tall enough that the top of her head reaches the top of ours. Everyone else crowds the dock, staring out at the water.

I always thought I'd have a lifetime with my dad. That he would help me choose what my first job should be. That he would be there with me when I buy my first car. That he would be disguised in the crowd at my graduation. That he would walk me down the isle at my wedding.

That I would be able to argue with him about letting me go on missions, even though he just wanted me to be safe. That I would be able to go to his room in the middle of the night after having a nightmare, knowing that no matter how tired he was, he would talk to me and make me laugh.

I know that I have to let go. I know that he's gone. But I can't accept that I'm never going to see him again. I can't accept that I won't have a lifetime with him.

I can't let go.

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