Chapter Twelve

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When we enter the limo, someone is already in the back. He looks to be about the same age as Peter and I, he is pretty tall, and he has brown hair and blue eyes. Peter, May, and I look at Happy in confusion when we see him.

"This is a Harley Keener. He's an old friend of Tony's," Happy explains.

May sits on the left side of the Limo, and Peter and I sit across from her on the right side. Harley is in the back, facing us.

"Hi," I say to him.

"Hey," Harley says.

"I'm Gracee Stark."

"You're... you're his daughter?"

"Yeah." I smile as tears threaten to slip.

"I'm Harley... but you know that already."

"I'm Peter Parker." Peter smiles, his eyes bloodshot from crying.

"You're Spider-Man?" He says it more as a statement than a question.

"Uh, no. I'm not, I'm not Spider-Man." Peter fails to hide his panic.

"It's okay. Tony told me about you." Harley smiles.

"Oh, o- okay." Peter looks at me in confusion.

"So you and my dad were close?" I ask Harley.

"Yeah, he was actually like a dad to me. He broke into my garage one night in 2012, needing somewhere to stay. We saved each other. I wouldn't be the same without him."

"That was after the Mandarin attack, wasn't it?" I ask.

"Yeah. It was." Harley smiles, thinking back to the memory.

"It's never going to be the same without him," I say, and Harley and Peter both look at me.

The three of us have tears in our eyes, and when I look in the front mirror, Happy does, too.

The rest of the ride, we talk about Tony. It feels good to be able to talk about him with people that also loved him. When we arrive at the cabin, the other Avengers and Nick Fury are there. Some people are making conversation, and others are standing by themselves. I hold Peter's hand in mine as we walk towards the front porch, saying hello to everyone we pass.

I walk up to the front door, taking a deep breath before opening it. Peter smiles at me as he squeezes my hand. He lets go, and I walk inside alone. I see Pepper in the kitchen, staring at Tony's first arc reactor plaque that reads "Proof that Tony Stark has a heart." It has been placed on an arrangement of flowers.


She turns around at the sound of my voice and smiles. I walk to her, looking at the arc reactor and smiling sadly.

"Remember how he wanted you to throw it out?" I ask.

"How could I forget?" Pepper smiles at the memory.

"He was stubborn."

"And unsentimental."

"But we loved him."

"And he loved us."

I hug her, thinking back to when I collapsed in her arms after Tony died. Pepper has always been there for me. She's my mom, even if not biologically.

She lets go of me, her hands on shoulders. My eyes venture over to a picture of Pepper, Tony, and Morgan, and my heart aches.

"Do you want to meet her?" Pepper asks.

I nod and she turns around, walking up the stairs. I follow her, and we stop at the first door on the left.

She slowly opens the door. "Hey, sweetie. I have someone for you to meet."

"Okay." I hear a soft voice reply.

I walk forward, and Pepper opens the door all of the way. Sitting on the bed is a little brunette girl with dark brown eyes, wearing a black dress. She is playing with stuffed animals, a sad look on her face. When she looks up me, a smile instantly takes over her soft features.

"You're my sister," she says with a slight lisp.

"I am." I smile.

"Daddy has a lot of pictures of you around our house, and he talks about you a lot. You're Gracee!"

"And you're Morgan." I sit next to her on her bed. "I love your room."

"Thank you." She beams.

She hugs me, and I stiffen in surprise. I slowly wrap my arms around her just as tightly as hers are wrapped around me.

"I've always wanted to meet you," she whispers.

"I've wanted to meet you too," I whisper back, closing my eyes so I won't cry.

I know that if Tony were here, he would be so happy. He always wanted Morgan to meet me. Now we're here, and he's not. I wish I could hug him one last time. I wish I could hear him tell me that he loves me infinity. I wish I could listen to rock music in the workshop while helping help him work on a suit.

I haven't been able to accept that he's gone. It's not that I forget, it's just that sometimes I think I'll wake up in the compound. I think I'll walk down to the kitchen and everyone will be in there, talking. They'll all look at me, and I'll smile.

Morgan and I look up when we hear footsteps. Peter is standing in the doorway, watching us.

"Hey," he says awkwardly.

Morgan surprises us both by jumping off of the bed and running into Peter's arms. "You're my big brother, aren't you?"

Peter looks at me, and we share a smile. "Yeah... something like that."

Morgan grabs Peter's hand and drags him to the bed, where he sits next to me. She looks at Pepper, who is still standing in the doorway.

"Come on, Mommy!"

Pepper smiles, sitting on the bed with the three of us. Morgan is in the middle, trying her best to pull us all into a hug with her short arms.

"I love my family," she says, and my heart feels light.

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