Chapter Twenty-Seven

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After Jimmy Woo describes the location I need to teleport to, I fill Peter in on what he told me. He paces back and forth, running his hands through his hair.

"What are we going to do?" he asks.

"We're going to Westview." I pull my jeans on.

"Okay, okay. Fuck. Okay." He looks at me. "Do you think Wanda is okay?"

"I hope so."

I use my powers to change into my first suit, and Peter puts his mask on. He watches me in awe as I close my eyes, envisioning Westview. I open my eyes when I hear my powers creating a portal. It expands, and the agents on the other side of it look at Peter and I in confusion.

"You ready?" I ask Peter.

"Always. Wait, actually-"

Before he can ask what to do, I step through the portal. He follows me, face planting in the grass. I look down at him, pressing my lips together to stop myself from laughing and further embarrassing him. I help him up, and he puts his hands on his hips, looking at the agents surrounding us. They part for an Asian Man, who walks towards us confidently.

"Mr. Woo?" I ask.

"Please, call me Jimmy."

We follow him through the facility, stopping when we're facing a barrier. It's surrounds a town that is visible through the transparency of the wall. It looks like it's glitching, the colors flickering.

"What is this?" I ask.

"This is how Wanda is controlling Westview," Jimmy says. "She erased the memories of everyone on the other side of this barrier and gave them each a storyline."

"How do you know what's going on in Westview?"

"Wanda created a sitcom of her life that we've been watching. It's called WandaVision."

"Vision's alive?"

"Wanda stole his body from Sword and brought him back to life. They are married and have twins named Billy and Tommy."

"Let me guess, you want me to teleport into Westview and talk to her."

"We want you to figure out why she's doing this."

"She's doing this because she wanted to be with Vision."

"She's holding a town hostage. She had to have an ulterior notice."

"She's not evil, Jimmy."

"I never said she was. I know you love her. If this is too much for you-"

"It's not. I'll do it."

"Gracee-" Peter says.

"I'll be okay. I promise."

"Gracee!" I hear a voice I missed hearing yell from a distance.

I look and see Pietro walking out of the facility, accompanied by two guards.

"Pietro!" I yell, running towards him.

There is a flash, and then I am in his arms.

"I missed you." He hugs me tightly.

"I missed you, too," I whisper, fighting tears.

We walk back to the others, and Pietro surprises me by smiling at Peter. "Hey Bug-Boy."

"Hey, man." Peter hugs him.

"Pietro, did Wanda ever tell you she was going to do anything like this?" I ask.

"No, but after your dad's memorial, she told me there was something she needed to do alone. She wouldn't tell me what it was, and she wouldn't let me go with her."

"Do you think she stole Visions body?"

"No. Do you?"

"I know she didn't."

"Why are you here?"

"They want me to talk to Wanda."

"You're going into Westview?"

"That's the plan."

"Are you sure about this?"

"She would do if for me."

"That's not an answer."

"Why does it matter?"

"They won't let just anyone into Westview."

"I'm not just anyone."

Pietro smiles, and we look back at Jimmy and Peter.

"Are you ready?" Jimmy asks.

I sigh. "Always."

I face the barrier and close my eyes, visualizing Westview. When I open my eyes, there is a portal leading to the other side of the barrier. I look back at Peter, smiling before stepping through it.

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