Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Today, we will be running the mile," Coach Wilson says in third period gym.

Everyone groans, and I smile at Peter from across the gym. He grins from where he's standing with Ned, knowing I love running. As MJ and I follow the class towards the doors leading outside to the track, I overhear a conversation between two boys who's names I forgot.

"Black Widow was so hot," the shorter one says.

"Too bad she's decomposing at the bottom of a cliff in outer space," the tall one says, and they both snicker.

"Too bad you're ugly," I mumble under my breath.

The tall guy turns around, and I realize what I meant to say in my head I've just said aloud. "What did you just say?"

Peter and Ned, who were waking in front of the tall guy, turn around, looking at me. I step forward, leaving MJ behind.

I try my best to look down my nose at him, even though he's at least a foot taller than me. "You heard me. If it wasn't for her, you wouldn't even be here right now."

He scowls. "It was just a joke."

"Jokes are supposed to be funny."

"Was it not?"

"She's dead!"


My powers flare in my eyes as a warning, and his eyes widen. Pressure builds in my body as energy pulses throughout it. The need for release is so overwhelming that I know if I step closer, I won't be able to hold back.

I fight to keep my voice even. "She sacrificed herself to save everyone."

"She shouldn't have bothered with you."

"You don't think I know that?" I yell.

The room goes silent. Peter walks towards me, and the tall guy —James— turns towards him. With my hand down by my side, I use my powers to trip him. Everyone laughs as he falls forward, and I don't bother to look down as I walk past him.

"Tell Coach Wilson I felt sick." I avoid Peter's gaze as he gawks at me.

I walk out of the gym, running to the bathroom when I reach the hallway. I hide in the furthest stall and take deep breaths as I try not to burst into tears. I've always been someone who hates confrontation, but I let my emotions take over until all I could think about was murdering James.

I don't know why I couldn't remember his name before. He asked me for my number five years ago, even though he knew I was dating Peter.

I refuse to cry because of him. My dad always told me I needed to stand up for myself, and I think what I did would have made him proud.

I leave the stall and walk to the sink, looking in the mirror as I take a deep breath. In the reflection, I see a black and white spark behind me. I turn around, looking through the circle my powers form.

Not a circle, a portal.

A portal leading to a cemetery in Ohio.

I suck in a breath at the name on the headstone. I start trembling when my gaze falls to the Black Widow symbol beneath it. I release a strangled sob as I read the words "Daughter, Sister, Avenger" engraved at the bottom.

Her grave is surrounded with flowers, candles, stuffed animals, and pictures, all left by strangers. I step closer to the portal, and it grows large enough for me to walk through. A gust of wind blows my hair backwards and sends a chill down my spine.

It's now or never.

I step through the portal, and when I look behind me, it's gone. I shiver, looking up to see the tree shading me. I walk towards the headstone, leaning down in front of it. I take a shaky breath, and a rolls down my face. The last time I hugged Nat, I didn't think I would leave Vormir without her. I didn't think I would leave Vormir at all. I was prepared to die so I wouldn't have to know what it felt like to be alive without her.

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