Chapter Nine

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I watch in dread as my dad nods to Strange. Thanos has now put the power stone back in the gauntlet and is screaming in pain as the gamma radiation courses through him. Tony stands, running towards him.

"Dad, no!" I yell.

I hit a force field when I try to run to him. I look around in confusion, pressing against the invisible barrier. Strange's eyes meet mine, and a look of betrayal crosses my face. Strange gives me a hard stare, and I look back at my dad as he makes one last attack on Thanos. He pulls at the gauntlet, but he is punched away.

"Dad!" I scream, banging on the wall with my fist.

I throw myself into it repeatedly, my body screaming in pain. I back away, blasting the invisible barrier with my powers. It lights up black and white, absorbing them. When I touch the force field again, I can feel my energy pulsing through it. I scream in incoherent rage, punching the wall. It feels like punching concrete. I know the pain in my hand is there, but I don't feel it. All I feel is helplessness.

"I am... inevitable," Thanos says.

He snaps, but all that is heard is a metallic clank. He looks at the gauntlet, and the stones are missing. My dad is on his knees as the stones make their way onto his own gauntlet. He winces as the gamma radiation courses through him, and then he looks at me.

My hands are pressed against the force field, but I am not longer fighting it. I can tell he has something to say, so I listen to his thoughts. His voice echos through my head, the words making my head pound.

I'm sorry.

My eyes fills with tears as I slowly shake my head. He looks back at Thanos.

"And I... am... Iron Man."

He snaps, and there is a blinding flash of white. I turn my head away, forced to close my eyes. When I open them, Thanos's entire army is disintegrating. Strange lets down the force field, and I look around for my dad. I run to where he is collapsed against a pile of debris, dropping to the ground in front of him. One whole side of his body is charred, but he still manages a smile when he sees me.

"Daddy, I'm here. You're okay. It's gonna be okay. I can help you." My voice breaks.

I gently press my hand to the unrecognizable side of his face, trying to heal him. My hand shakes uncontrollably as I strain to use my powers. It doesn't work, and my vision becomes blurry.

Tony smiles at me as he tries to speak, his voice barely a whisper. "It's okay."

I frown at him and then look back to everyone surrounding us. When I make eye contact with each individual, they look at the ground. I don't have to read their minds to know that they've given up on him.

I look back at him, and the look in his eyes causes me to lower my head. I'm unable to hold back a sob, and tears stream down my face.

"You're gonna be okay, Dad. It's gonna be okay." I can barely form words as my chest heaves with sobs.

Someone grabs my shoulder, trying to move me away, but I shrug them off. "I'm not leaving him!"

Tony smiles as he takes my hand in his, and I can see the pain in his eyes. I smile back, my bottom lip quivering. Someone lands beside me, but my eyes don't leave his. I hear Peter's voice as he kneels next to me.

"Mr. Stark? Mr. Stark, can you hear me? It's Peter. Hey... we won, Mr. Stark. We won, Mr. Stark. We won. You did it, sir. You did it." Peter breaks down, hugging him. "I'm sorry... Tony."

I bite my lip to keep from crying as I look away, unable to watch. Someone leads Peter away, and I feel him look at me before standing up. Pepper sits beside me, in front of Tony.

"Hey," she says.

"Hey, Pep," Tony whispers.

Pepper places her hand over Tony's Arc Reactor, and Tony places his hand that is not holding mine over hers. I look up at him, wiping the tears from my face.

"Friday?" Pepper asks.

"Life functions critical," she says, and Tony smiles with tears in his eyes.

"Tony, look at me. We're gonna be okay. You can rest now," Pepper says, and Tony slowly turns his head to look at me.

"You made me proud," he whispers.

I remember earlier today when he told me I could go on the mission, and I told him that I would make him proud. That feels like a lifetime ago.

I take a deep breath to keep my voice from shaking. "I'm gonna be okay, Dad. I'll make you proud."

His Arc Reactor flickers off for good, and both of his hands go limp. I whimper, closing my eyes and leaning my forehead against his shoulder. Pepper kisses his cheek before standing up.

"Thank you... for everything," I whisper, kissing his cheek.

I stand up, falling into Pepper's arms. We sob, holding each other close. When I open my eyes, everyone is down on one knee in honor of my dad.

He would be happy.

"What are you doing up, little miss?"

"I'm eating ice cream."

"Aren't you supposed to be in bed?"

"Aren't you supposed to be in bed?"

"I asked you first."

"No, I asked you first."

He tickles me until I can't breath. I'm still laughing when he kisses my cheek.

"I love you infinity!" I giggle.

"Wow. Infinity? That's crazy." He turns off my lamp and I then goes to the door. "Go to bed, or I'll sell all your books."

"No, you won't. Because I love you infinity!" I yell, and he laughs.

"And beyond," he whispers just loud enough for me to hear, before shutting my bedroom door in the Avengers tower.

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