Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Peter and I eventually start patrolling again. Every day after school, until it gets dark, we are out doing what we can to protect Queens. I had forgotten how exhausting it can be, and every night Peter and I fall asleep the second we get get home. Today, I didn't feel very well, so I decided to stay home from patrolling. Peter tried to stay with me, but I told him that he had to go, and that I would be fine.

May told us she would be at work later today, so I have the house to myself. I have been reading all night, it's been really relaxing and a much needed break. Despite being lost in a book, I can't help but worry about Peter. It's already dark outside and he still isn't home. I am convinced to go out to try and find him, but I tell myself that he will come home, because he would never leave me. Not again.

After what feels like forever, I hear the window in his room open. I sit my book down and run to the room as he climbs in through the window.

"Peter! I was so worried!" I notice how he is clutching his stomach and limping. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry I made you worry." Peter takes off his mask.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. Now, tell me what hurts."

I help him to the bathroom, and sit him on the edge of the tub while I get the first aid kit out of the cabinet.

"These guys were robbing a bank and they had a gun."

"They shot you?!"

"Yeah... but I'm fine. I-."

"Peter, you got shot!"

"I'll... heal." Peter smiles sheepishly, despite the obvious pain he is in.

"Is the bullet still in you?"


"Then you won't heal! I have to get it out."

"Can you use your powers to extract it?"

"I don't want to risk hurting you even more." I search the first aid kit for medical tweezers. "Take off your suit."

"Well, if you insist." Peter smirks playfully.

"Peter Parker, you are bleeding out, now is not the time for your jokes!"

"You know you love them."

Peter takes off his suit and I find the tweezers, walking to him. My eyes go wide when I see the bleeding wound in his side. I bend down, trying to figure out how I am going to do this.

"You've never done this before, have you?" Peter asks.

"Can you get closer to me?" I ignore his question.

Peter scoots forward more, still on the edge of the bathtub, and I bite my lip anxiously. "I'm going to try and do this quickly, okay?"


I gently push the tweezers into his wound and cringe when Peter tenses and suppresses a groan. "Sorry, love."

I blindly search for the bullet, until finally I feel the tweezers press up against something metallic. I close the tweezers around it and then slowly pull it out. More blood gushes from his wound when the bullet leaves his body, and drops to the floor. I run and grab a gauze from the first aid kit and put pressure on his wound. When the bleeding seems to stop, I add another layer of gauze.

Undefeated Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora