Chapter Sixteen

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"Why do you have to go with Petey and Aunt May?" Morgan asks me on the night I'm leaving with Peter and May to go to their new apartment.

We are both under the covers of her bed, the lamp on the nightstand casting shadows across the walls of her room. I have my arms wrapped around her and my head rested on hers.

"Their new apartment is closer to school." I stare at the framed picture Morgan drew of me and her hanging up on the wall across from us.

"But you could just stay here with me and mommy and not go back to school."

"I wish it worked that way, Morg."

She sighs, and I sit in front of her. I cross my legs beneath me, taking her hands in mine.

"Peter and I will visit every weekend, and we can eat juice pops, play hide and seek tag outside, build a fort in your room, and have sleepovers together."

"Do you promise?"

"I promise."

"I'm going to miss you." She pouts.

"I'm going to miss you more. But no matter how far away I am, I'll always be here for you."

She leans forward, hugging me. I kiss the top of her head before standing up and turning off her lamp.

"I love you tons."

"I love you 3,000." She smiles.

I blow her a kiss as I shut the door. When I turn around, Pepper is walking up the stairs.

"Hey, sweetie."

"Hey, Mom."

"Are you excited?"

"Yeah, I am."

"You and Peter are going to visit, right?"

"Every weekend."

She smiles. "Morgan and I are going to decorate the guest bedroom for you two."

"I can't wait to see it."

"I'm going to miss you."

I hug her, tearing up. "I love you, Mom."

"I love you more."


She smiles. We walk down the stairs, where Peter, May, and Happy are waiting.

"You ready, Squirt?" Happy asks.

"Yeah." I smile at Pepper as I walk to Peter.

I help load what few belongings we have into the limo. When everything is in the trunk, I sit next to Peter in the back. I look out of the window as we leave the secluded cabin, headed for an apartment in Queens.

The landscape gradually becomes less rural the closer we get to the city. The street lights illuminate the faces of people we pass. I imagine how happy everyone is to have their loved ones back. I try not to think about how everyone I love other than Peter, May, Morgan, Pepper, and Happy is dead or somewhere without me.

When we reach traffic, I lay my head on Peter's lap and close my eyes. I tell myself the honking horns is what's keeping me awake, even though I know I wouldn't be able to sleep even if it was silent. I don't know how much time passes before we make it to the apartment complex, and Happy parks the limo outside.

I grab some of the bags and carry them into the apartment. After we are given our key from the woman at the reception desk, we take the elevator up to our level. We find the correct door number, and unlock the door. The apartment is empty, but I can already imagine what it will look like once it's decorated.

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