Chapter Fourteen

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My chest feels like it's caving in, the hollow and numb feeling gone. Every emotion comes flooding back, drowning out my senses and silencing every thought.

I keep my eyes on the ground as I stand up, making my way through the crowd. I don't want anyone to think I'm weak. Everyone here saw me break down when my dad died. I can't let them see me break down again.

Once I am out of sight, I run as far away as I can. I don't know where I'm going, all I know is that I need to get away. I run past the house and towards the lake. I sit down on the edge of the water, hidden by the trees lining the lake.

All I see in my mind is Nat and my Dad. I think of all the things I could have done differently. I could have fought harder on Vormir. I could have healed my dad after he snapped. If I had learned how to control my powers under pressure, they would both be here.

I hear someone approach me from behind, and I know who it is without looking. Peter sits
beside me, taking my hand in his. I take a deep breath, lightheaded from sobbing. I look at the lake as I rest my head on his shoulder.

We sit in silence as the sun lowers on the horizon, the reflection of the colors in the sky on the water. When the sun is hidden behind the trees across the lake, we both stand up, walking back to the cabin. Everyone is in the driveway, and some cars have already left. Peter and I run up to Steve, Sam, and Bucky, who are the closest to us.

"Try not to kill each other," I say to Bucky and Sam.

"No promises," says Sam.

I look at Steve. "Don't let them kill eachother."

"I'll try my best." Steve smiles.

"When will I see you all again?"

"Soon," Bucky promises.

I hug each of them before retreating back to Peter's side.

"Bye, Mr. Rodgers," says Peter.

"Queens, call me Steve," Steve says, and Peter beams.

"No goodbye for us?" Sam asks, pretending to be offended.

"Bye, Mr. Wilson and Mr. Barnes," Peter says.

"Bye, kid." Bucky smiles.

"You take care of her while we're gone," says Sam.

"She doesn't need me to take care of her." Peter smiles.

Peter and I walk to Bruce and Thor as they say their goodbyes. Thor walks away before we reach them.

"Bye, Bruce." I hug him.

"Bye, Gracee." He hugs me, looking at Peter. "You two stay safe."

"We will, Mr. Banner," Peter says.

"Thor!" I yell, and he turns around.

I run and jump into his arms, and he hesitates before wrapping them around me. He exhales in relief, and I smile.

"I missed you," I say.

"I missed you."

He sits me down on the ground, and I look up at him. "Will I ever see you again?"

"I don't know," he says. "But if I ever return to Midgard, you will be the first person I visit."

I smile, hugging him again. When I turn around, Peter is waiting for me.

"Is that the man of spiders your father told me about?" Thor asks.

"Yeah." I watch as Peter waves at us when he notices we're staring at him.

"Goodbye, Man of Spiders," Thor says to him.

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