Chapter Twenty-Four

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It's been a week since I got my powers back, and things are harder than they were without them. When I'm reminded of the people I lost, my powers grow out of control.

There are Iron Man, Black Widow and Captain America drawings all over school, and Graffiti of them on buildings throughout the city. It's a constant reminder that they're gone.

I know it's affecting Peter, too. When we hear someone talking about them, he always squeezes my hand to remind me that I'm not alone.

There are days when it's too much, and I have to hide in the bathroom so no one sees me crying. Other days I feel numb, like I couldn't cry even if I wanted to. Every time I break down, my powers take over. I can feel the dark and light energy blending at times, but other times it's a constant battle between the two. Balancing my destructive and healing powers is even harder than it was to control only my destructive powers.

Ned, MJ, and Peter have helped me as much as they can. They keep me present when my powers try to take over, and distract me from using my powers when they need release. We have hung out almost every day after school, just to be there for each other.

Over the weekend, Peter and I stayed with Pepper and Morgan. They redecorated the guest bedroom for me, but instead of sleeping in there, Peter and I slept in Morgan's room with her. I kept my promise to Morgan, and we ate juice pops, played hide and seek tag outside, built a fort in her room, and had sleepovers together.

It wasn't easy on Sunday to leave them and go back home to Queens, but Peter and I missed May. I already see her as my aunt, just like Peter saw Tony as his dad.

Peter and I have been inseparable. We feel safe when we're together, and we know that we're not alone. When I'm with him, I don't think about the things that haunt me. He keeps me out of my head.

We haven't gone any farther than we did on Monday when Ned and MJ stayed the night, but we both want to. Now that I can read his mind again, I know he wants me just as much as I want him.

He consumes my thoughts, and I consume his. I've started paying attention to the way he looks at me, and I've realized that MJ was right when she said I was being oblivious before.


I blink, looking at Peter. "Yeah?"

"Are you okay?"

I close the book I got distracted from reading and look down at the ground from the top of the Empire State Building. "Yeah, I was just... thinking."

"What were you thinking about?"

I smirk. "I guess you'll never know."

"I wish I could read minds."

"I wish I had heightened senses."

"Want to know my favorite part of having heightened senses?"

"Being able to dodge bullets?"

He smiles, lowering his voice. "Being able to hear your heartbeat pick up when I do this."

He leans in to kiss my neck, stopping with his lips a breath away from my skin. I shiver, and he smiles at my reaction, looking back down at the ground. I elbow him, and he chuckles.

"I have a surprise for you," he says.

"What is it?"

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you."

"I don't like surprises."

"I know you don't."

"Can you give me a hint?"

"That's not how it works."

Peter stands on the ledge, reaching down to help me up. I take his hand and use my powers to hide my identity and replace my clothes with a suit identical to my first one. I create energy beneath both of my hands, and look at Peter.

"You ready?"

Even with his mask on, I know he smiles as he slides his hand around my waist and jumps off the building before I can argue. I scream as we fall, until he shoots a web and we swing upwards.

"Parker, if you kill me, I swear I will haunt you!"

"I've heard that before."

"Where are we going?"

"Stop talking."

"I've heard that before." I smirk, thinking back to when Peter said that before kissing me.

A few minutes later, Peter lands on the ground. My eyes remain closed until I realize that we're on the ground, and I let go of him. When I look up after adjusting my suit, Peter is no where to be seen.

I look around, ignoring the people pointing at me and whispering, "It's the Dark Dahlia!" I move through the crowd to the edge of the walkway, smiling when I see the words "I LOVE YOU" written across the Brooklyn Bridge in spiderwebs. Bypassers smile at my reaction as they look from the bridge to me. If people didn't know Spider-Man and the Dark Dahlia were dating before, they definitely do now.

Peter lowers upside down in front of me, the spiderweb suspending him attached to a lamp post. "Hi."

"Hi." I smile. "I really want to kiss you right now."

"You- you do?"

"Don't act like you haven't thought about it before."


The eyes on his mask widen when I lift the bottom of his mask, revealing his mouth. "If this sucks, it's on you."

I kiss him, our lips aligning even with Peter upside down. My hands move to the back of his head, while his hold the web keeping him from falling. He suppresses a groan, and I know he's aching to touch me.

Even with my eyes closed, I see a flash. I look to my side, and the man holding the camera pointed at us takes another picture.

Peter pulls his mask down and waves at the man, who freezes. "Hey, we can see you."

"Maybe next time try to be a little more secretive," I say.

The man looks shocked as Peter flips so he's standing upright and wraps his arm around my waist. He shoots a web above the man, and we giggle as we swing away.

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