Chapter Thirty

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Peter ends up fully healed within a week, and life is slowly going back to normal. Peter and I make time for each other between school, friends, and patrolling. We are getting closer every day, and I know something is going to happen soon. I just don't know when.

Today at school I noticed that Peter was staring at me a lot more often, and he was extra fidgety and nervous around me. I decide that I need to talk to MJ about it at the end of the school day. I find her in the hallways after seventh period, and see her talking to Betty.

"MJ!" I yell.

"What?!" MJ's eyes widen when she sees the frantic look on my face.

"Oh, hey Betty." I smile at the blonde girl.

"Hey Gracee." Betty smiles back. "Well, I better get going, bye guys."

"Bye." I say, before turning back to MJ. "I need your help."

"With what? Are you okay?"

"Peter is acting really weird today and I don't know what to think about it."

"Oh yeah, I meant to tell you about that."

"What? Tell me about what?"

"Well, I overheard Peter telling Ned that he really wanted to have sex with you."

"What?!" I yell, causing people next to us in the halls to look our way. "What?!" I whisper this time.

"Yeah!" MJ smiles excitedly.

"Oh my God. MJ! Peter wants to have sex with me!"

"I told you."

"Peter wants to have sex with with me." I repeat in disbelief.

"Do you want to have sex with him?"

"I mean yes... but I'm terrified. He has super strength and super stamina. Like I know he will be gentle and all, but still... it's going to hurt."

"Yeah, like a lot."

"But like, it will feel good, right?"

"You're asking a virgin."

"Oh yeah."

"But apparently pleasure outweighs pain."

"I feel like I shouldn't be freaking out this much. MJ, I feel like I'm going to hyperventilate. Or pass out. Or die."

"Stop overthinking. You got this, okay?"

"Okay. Yeah, I got this."

"You got this."

"I don't got this."

"Hey, you just have to promise to call me afterwards okay? Tell me all about it."

"Okay, I promise I will, but MJ, I don't think I can do this."

"You're Gracee Stark. You can do anything." MJ smiles reassuringly.

I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down. It doesn't work.

"I know what will make you feel better." MJ says.


"You need a game plan."

"That's a good idea."

"Okay, first, you will probably need to shower when you get home from school."

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