10 - New Person

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My Black moon - Namjin


A shadow can be seen on Joon's hospital room entrance. The person standing outside turned around and leaned on the wall eavesdropping the conversation that they never meant to. Suddenly, the room door was about to slide open. But a mysterious hand pulled the person into the small space next to the room. It was Jin who opened the door and was on his way to the reception desk. The man who pulled the person who stood outside had a dark aura revolving him, with a hat and mask almost covering his face. The person yeeted the mysterious man's hand and gave that ' What are you doing? ' look. The man replied ' Not gonna thank me TaeEun-ah? I saved your ass from embarrassing yourself '. TaeEun was perplexed on how the man knows him and when he looked up to ask him, He was gone vanished in thin air. TaeEun walked back to Joon's room with his mind filled with the thought ' When I heard Joon say we're no more than a sunbae-hoobae , why did it hurt me?... Do... I have... feelings for him?... '

Hobi was explaining the freshmen the rules they follow in the club and giving them an orientation session. Jungkook barged in with a huge box and ordered the freshmen to grab their snacks. Hobi glared at him, Jungkook went up to him handing his favorite drink and said ' I thought you were our school principal for a second.. The long damn speech.. Look at the freshmen, they would have slept if I didn't come ' . Hobi yelled you brat and they started chasing each other. Jungkook ran in zig-zag making it harder for hobi to catch him. Hobi saw a chance, seeing Jungkook rest near the door he jumped to catch him. But, unfortunately he bumped into someone else and also spilled his strawberry smoothie on them. I'm sorry, I didn't see- OH TaeEun-ah! Are you here to monitor the orientation said hobi wiping his shirt. TaeEun nodded and looked at his white shirt turning pale pink. No.. If we leave it, it will stain. TaeEun, you said you're here to monitor the orientation right. As you can see it's done, why don't we stop by our dorm and get your shirt cleaned said Jungkook. TaeEun agreed and the three  went back to blue dorm. Jungkook showed TaeEun the way to the bathroom and hobi was busy picking a t-shirt that's similar to TaeEun's size. TaeEun went in, looking at the mirror his dark circles greeting him. He didn't sleep last night as his head was filled with questions with no answers. He quickly washed his shirt and opened the door to see a boy almost his age wearing a navy blue oversized sweatshirt paired with denims. He changed his gaze to Hobi asking him whether they have any clothes of his size. TaeEun was confused to see all stare at him, Hobi blinking and avoiding his gaze, the boy in oversized sweat shirt with a light blush staring at him and Jungkook checking him out.  That's when he realised he was topless, his chiseled abs, tanned skin, toned muscles were on display. He quickly grabbed and wore the t-shirt that Hobi gave him. He than sat next to the boy thinking that he seems oddly familiar. ' OH! That guy... Aren't you the one who grabbed me at the hospital? ' said TaeEun going closer to the boy to take a good look at him. 

' TaeEun! You know Yoongi hyung? But what he grabbed you-' hobi was shut by yoongi stuffing pastry into his mouth. TaeEun looked puzzled at the scene, Jungkook introduced him saying the boy is Yoongi hyung , third year, space science major, Astrophysics department.
' Wait !? He's from my department. But why haven't I seen him throughout my freshmen year? ' said TaeEun looking at Yoongi, demanding an answer. Yoongi looked down avoiding TaeEun's gaze and started munching on tangerines.  ' I'll tell yah, This hyung is on his third year but he took a break after his sophomore year that's when you were a freshmen. That's why you couldn't see him ' said Jungkook stealing the pastry that Yoongi bought. ' Break? Why, if you don't mind- ' said TaeEun. He got into an accident said Hobi.   ' Are you okay now? That explains why you were at the hospital yesterday ' said TaeEun. Hospital? Hyung! So you went finally said Hobi laughing. Jungkook explained the situation that Yoongi's accident was minor and he fully recovered now. And he went hospital yesterday cause of his constipation. Yoongi defended yelling that it's was just a stomachache with Hobi and Jungkook laughing at him.

Joon was searching for something. Jin asked him what he lost again. Joon sulked and said his glasses were missing. Jin said Joon to bend down. Joon was confused but obeyed Jin. Glasses fell to the floor with Joon realizing that those were on his head and laughed at himself. Joon, Do you have any plans tonight? asked Jin. Joon shaked his head saying no. Jin grabbed him and dashed out through the door with Joon yelling Where are we going. Jin made him sit on a cushion and opened his eyes. Joon was surprised to see the night sky, blue moon and stars shining so bright.


AN : Our yoongles made his appearance finally 🥺🥳

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