29 - You?

64 4 1

My Black Moon - Namjin


It was a peaceful weekend. The dance club decided to postponed their practices. So, Hobi and Jungkook was chilling in their rooms. ' Hey Jk~ ' said Hobi in a teasing tone with some snacks in his hands. ' Hobi ~ ' said Jungkook grabbing the chips  from Hobi's grip. ' You went to some cook show yesterday? Saw it in your stories ' asked Hobi munching on the taffy and swiping the insta stories. ' No.. I actually went to my brother's club event as a judge, that brat tricked me into that. Hobi... Do you know anyone named mimi? Or it could be a nickname too? ' asked Jungkook and startled by hobi's scream. ' What? ' asked Jungkook with hobi pointing to the screen. ' Seems like yoongi hyung is seeing someone... See he posted this story.. Of him being kissed on the cheek. Pity that only he's visible in the frame ' said Hobi. ' Wait... You can also see the person's clothes... That orange sweater.. I think I saw it somewhere ' said Jungkook while thinking about it. ' You do? Where's the sweater... Oh here it is at the corner ' said hobi zooming into the video to find something. ' Damn! Actually before coming to the room, I went to the dorm next to ours to get my card key fixed. And I saw someone wearing this same damn orange sweater...Ahhh! I met TaeEun... Hobi are you thinking the same thing as me? ' said Jungkook with a big smile on his face. ' omg! It must be real then... Finally yoongi did it. Wait lemme call him ' said Hobi and called him but they got a voice note saying DND! He's on a date and what they're thinking is true. They both screamed in joy, and were so happy that their hyung could be with someone he loves and they love him back too.

' Actually... I think I heard the name mimi somewhere, but I don't remember where though ' said hobi tilting his head and trying to remember it. ' Really Hyung? I have been searching for them. We have been texting, I have a feel that they're from our university. But, I don't know anything about them , cause it's only been a week since we started talking yet I'm getting good vibes from them. Hope I can meet them soon ' said Jungkook texting hey ~ to his secret admirer. ' Them? Jungkook... What if it's a boy? ' asked hobi.

' Boy? I thought about it too. I don't know I'm just not bothered by it. Let them be anyone I don't care ' said Jungkook smiling while tapping the notification that says " wayd " from his secret admirer.


' Joon! That's not how you cut onions dear ' said Jin and held his hands from the back to teach him how to cut them. Joon was smirking and grabbed his waist saying ' Tryna seduce me bae ' . Jin smiled saying ' I already did it or else how could I have an handsome hunk washing carrots to cook curry for his boyfriend ' . Joon chuckled and blushed at Jin's words.

' Jin! You saw Yoongi's story? ' asked Joon in a happy tone. ' Insta? You mean ' asked Jin putting down the pan and fetched his phone. Joon played the voice note forwarded by Hobi and they both watched the story. They both were shook and looked at each other. ' Is it TaeEun hyung? ' they both said in one voice. ' I don't know, maybe I should ask him ' said Jin and called his brother. Yoongi picked up and they both screamed silently, they then asked him about the story cautiously. Yoongi agreed that he's seeing the person that they're thinking about. And they talked about how they got together.


' Hobi ! Are you going somewhere? Seems like you're getting ready..? ' asked Jungkook peeking from behind the monitor. ' Yeah, I'm going to visit Tae and Jimin. Seems like they're cooking and invited me to dine with them ' said Hobi searching for his phone. ' oh, then can I come ? ' said Jungkook thinking that he was too lazy to go out and buy food. Hobi agreed and they went to the orange dorm and rang the door bell.

' Jimin! Get the door ' yelled Tae from the kitchen. Jimin rushed to open the door, he was faced with soft Jungkook with fluffy hair adjusting his denims exposing his waist a little and oversized sweater covering his torso. Jimin panicked then remembered that he was staring at him for awhile and opened the door for them. Hobi went in while smirking at Jimin giving the suspicious eyes.

' Oh Hobi hyung! You brought Jungkook hyung too, I was about to call you to ask whether he could come too ' said Taehyung hugging them both. ' What did you make Tae? ' said Hobi. ' It's mixed cuisine today hyung, we have Curry rice, donkatsu and seafood ramyeon ' said Taehyung stirring the curry. They went inside the kitchen and helped him. Taehyung looked at Jimin who is turning pink cause of certain someone. He teased him and pushed him to talk to his crush. Jimin panicked again and excused himself and went to the restroom. He calmed himself down saying that he should act normal or he will get caught.

' Hyung, Can you get me the  noodles in the kitchen rack over there ' asked Taehyung. Hobi opened to see noodles and glass jars on the rack. He gave the noodles to Taehyung and grabbed the jar. ' What's this? ' asked Jungkook opening the blue jar he saw behind the noodles. Hobi peeked in to see cookies, ' We used to put cookies that we learnt to bake in those jars ' said Taehyung frying the pork. Hobi munched on the cookies saying ' Wow... It tastes like coffee.. More like that dalgona which is trending again ' . Jungkook quickly grabbed one and the cookie tasted just like the ones he received on the battle day. He was shook and asked Taehyung who baked them. He was interrupted by Jimin calling for Taehyung saying that he got a delivery. Hobi went with him too, Jimin was left alone with Jungkook. He avoided meeting his eyes as he knew that he'll ask about that cookies. But, Jungkook seemed to be distracted by the seafood ramyeon that Tae left on boiling. He was stirring them. Jimin was relieved that he didn't remember the cookies and went to their room to get some tissues for Taehyung who spilled water on his new shoes.

Jungkook was reviving his memories on the battle day, he thought to himself ' Wait... The cookies are here.. And my brother told me that the club members learned to bake cakes whereas the assistants learned to bake cookies or breads.Taehyung assistant is JIMIN, and they have that same dalgona flavour cookies in their house. It's too suspicious to call it a coincidence ' but he was cut off by Hobi calling for him. He went out, ' Jungkook seems like the sponsor for our dance club mailed us, Could you please see what it's about? I have to help Taehyung ' . ' Yeah, but I don't have my ipad with me right now ' said jungkook. ' Hyung, you could use my macbook inside ' said Taehyung. ' Yours is at Yoongi's room remember? Hyung, Come in you can use mine ' said Jimin while smiling and gave him his macbook. Then he went back to the kitchen.

Jungkook logged in and checked the mail. It was about the upcoming schedule for their competitions and festival. He replied to them quickly saying they would inform them later. His eyes caught the Instagram page minimized on the screen,
' If he's really the Mimi, then... ' . He pulled out his phone and texted the id. The screen lit up with the pop-up box showing that the user received message from 'efi__lm', the same text he just sent. He couldn't believe his eyes.


AN : I know it's been long guys... How are you doing? My schedule was packed with exams and project reviews 😔😔

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