26 - Hesitate

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My Black moon - Namjin


As it's a weekend, the group decided to hangout at the room 614. ' Tae bear! Can you fetch me the plates please ' asked Jin making cream pasta and yoongi was in charge of grilling meat. Jungkook and Hobi set the table , Jimin and TaeEun were loudly yelling while playing games with PS5. ' Guys, food is done. Let's eat ' said Jin and all gathered at the table. Someone knocked at the door, Tae answered it. ' Sorry fellas! The counsel meeting ended late than I expected ' said Joon and sat next to Jin pecking his lips. Jin kissed him back and chuckled while poking his dimples.

Yoongi's eyes only focused on TaeEun, he was worried. As he knows the pain TaeEun undergoes now, he wanted to do something but didn't know what to do. TaeEun's face gave out the uneasiness he was feeling, he was on his phone most of the time in order to distract himself. Even Jimin and Taehyung seemed to notice it and looked at yoongi to do something. The couple Jin and Joon were lovey dovey and too clingy that day. TaeEun eyes teared up a little but he pretended to be not hurt so that his brother won't be worried and ruin his healthy relationship. TaeEun eyes meet yoongi, he immediately dragged him out giving an excuse that he forgot to buy drinks. Yoongi then took him to his house saying that he forgot his wallet. And kept him busy by making him listen to the songs he working on, baking him some cookies , playing games with him , so that he wouldn't think about his heart break  . Yoongi then contacted the group saying that they won't be returning as he fell down and TaeEun is helping him.

[ Time Skip ]

The boring physics lecture was going on as usual, TaeEun was zoning out thinking about the recent events. Then he remembered what Yoongi whispered to him thinking he was asleep. He was confused and decided to talk to someone about this. He went to meet his high school friend who moved there recently. ' Hey! Haneul , How are you man? It's really been so long since we met right ' said TaeEun hugging his friend. ' Yes hyung, It's good to see you again. How are you doing these days? ' asked the friend. ' Not good man, Can I ask you something? ' asked TaeEun scratching his neck in worry. ' What is it hyung? ' asked the friend.
' How do you know that someone truly likes/loves you? ' asked TaeEun with curious eyes. ' Well... they are that someone who does anything for you so you would laugh when ur down, they sacrifice things for you, they make time for you, they help you when you think no one would, they stand by our side hoping that would help you....' with glistening eyes. After hearing his friend's words, TaeEun could only think one of one person ' Yoongi ' . Their memories together flashed back, his soft spot for him grew bigger.


' How is it going with your crush? ' asked Taehyung playfully rolling on Jimin. ' How does everyone know it? I didn't say it to anyone though... ' said Jimin. ' Well you're being too obvious to not notice it chim, that hyung must be a clueless idiot not to notice it or pretending not to know so that you won't be uncomfortable , That hyung is one of the nicest and kind  persons I came across ' said Taehyung munching on cookies.

' I'm not head over heels for him yet but I kinda like him ' said Jimin fiddling with the plushie. ' Have you talked to him? ' asked Taehyung. ' Yeah, just some how are you doing? Want some salt, water is on the table stuff like that during our hangout ' said Jimin.
' What? Chim, you got to be kidding me... ' giggled Taehyung.
' Tae! Hyung always had someone besides him and I felt like I would be judged when I talk to him cause I know that I would definitely mess up and stutter, even the almighty Jimin gets nervous around his crush Tae ' and winked at him. Tae threw the pillow at him and said ' Why don't you start texting him first, maybe get to know each other and confess..? ' said Taehyung. ' Well, I was thinking of that too. Seems like we synced again ' said Jimin earning some more pillow hits.


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AN : Hey👀 I'm back with another chapter, sorry for being inactive lately. I had exams going on.. 😢 The titles doesn't even make sense now, I've no idea what to name them 😆 should edit em later..

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