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My black moon - NamJin


Jayden saw how nervous Jimin was and held his hands saying ' I know chim... I know very well that I messed up, I have no excuse for that '. Jimin looked at him with glistening eyes saying ' I don't know what to say Jay, Whether to get angry at you or upset at myself for letting that happen ' .

' I'm sorry chim! I was immature at that time and when you confessed to me, all I could think was how people will think of me and judge me. Ignoring you was the best solution my foolish brain could come up with. I never hated you Jimin, it's just that my best friend confessing to me was overwhelming. I liked you though but just as a friend, I could have just told you that...but I didn't. I'm sorry to hurt you. Actually, I came back to school just to apologize to you and talk this out. But, you weren't present that day. It's not that I ran away cause I hated to see you. My parents got transferred so, we had to move the next day. I had no time to meet you guys before I leave. Seems like I pained you so much Jimin, it hurts to see you like this ' said Jayden.

Jimin sighed and grabbed his collars saying ' You don't know how much damage you have done to me Jayden, I can never forgive you for that. I despised myself cause of you, your words rang in my ears everytime someone looked at me. You made my life a mess. Looking back at it now, I did nothing wrong. I liked someone just like every teen might, I just picked the wrong one though '. ' Let everything out Jimin you can hit me if you want too, I have no excuse to what I've done ' said Jayden. Jimin took a deep breath and low kicked him.

' I forgot everything Jay, I was just uncomfortable to see you again. I'm fine now, We should have done this years ago ' said Jimin. Jayden followed Jimin while holding his leg and groaned in pain. ' You're still good at this Taekwondo shit chim! ' said Jayden. Jimin smirked at him saying ' My dad's a Taekwondo coach you dipshit ' . Jayden smiled at him and asked ' So we ok now? '. Jimin said ' I guess so ' . A minute of silenced filled the hallway.

' I missed you Jimin, I know this is a lot to ask but Can we be friends again? ' asked Jayden.
' Friends? I'll think about. Maybe naah! I should get my revenge too ' said Jimin smiling at him. Jay walked with him, begging and whining that he'll be good to him this time and make up for his mistakes.


Taehyung tapped Jimin who was almost asleep while staring at the presentation. ' Tae? Why? Don't tell me I got caught!! ' said Jimin searching for the professor to see whether he's looking at him. Taehyung laughed at him and said ' Idiot! You're not caught, stop panicking. I woke you up for this ' and gave him a note. Jimin opened it which read ' You are the sunshine in my life. You make me so happy that I feel breathless, the cause of my euphoria '. The note made him smile thinking that person is so sweet.


' Why do you look so happy? ' asked yoongi smiling watching a jumpy TaeEun. ' First, it's your birthday. We have a date tonight ' said TaeEun pulling yoongi into a slow dance. ' First? Then what's the second? ' asked Yoongi holding on to TaeEun for his dear life. ' Second, My beloved brother comes today ' said TaeEun. ' You have another brother other than Jin and Taehyung? ' asked yoongi in confusion. ' Naah! We went to same school at states for awhile. We're pretty close. Seems like he's back to south Korea ' . Yoongi nodded and asked ' Hey! I haven't gotten my present yet ' said yoongi pretending to sulk.
' It's actually right here in this room ' said TaeEun. Yoongi searched the whole room but found nothing. ' Where? There's nothing here ' said yoongi while looking at him. TaeEun pointed at him saying ' Here, The pretty and expensive 184 cm one ' while doing cutesy acts. Yoongi deadass stared at him and finger flicked him hard for playing with him.
' Honey, easy with your fingers. Will be needing it for something tonight ' said TaeEun winking at him and ran away as he could sense danger coming. ' Bitch stop talking dirty to me... ' yelled Yoongi chasing him.


AN : This book is ending soon 😢😢 We just have a few chapters ahead. Fighting! to myself to finish this 🤞🏼


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