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My black moon - Namjin


After one week...

Jin went to meet his father and solve the issue between them.
' SeokJin, It's been a week. Is it that hard for you to make a mere decision? Seems like our business will fail if I handle it over to you. I miss your brother at times like these ' said father without paying attention to Jin glaring at him.

' Are you done talking father? It's my turn now. Have you ever thought that whatever you say hurts me? All you do is look down upon me. I know our household is a mess, But all I ever wanted was you to act like a father. Since we were young, I never got any attention as a  child. Mother and you both adored hyung , ignored and treated me like a useless fool. Ever since the kindergarten, you guys never show up to any of my parents meeting yet went to brother's one. Because of that I was labelled illegitimate child and been bullied for my whole school days. You abused me both physically and mentally father, I'm still taking my anti-depressants and I've had insomnia since middle school. In other words, I lived like a mad man suffering inside yet pretending to be fine outside which drove me crazy. I've always wanted to ask you this... Why do you hate me so much father? At the end of the day, I'm still your son Aren't I? I was always envious of that normal and supportive Dads my friends had. I know you can never love me or accept me. Can you at least pretend to like me for once? Never mind ' said Jin with a straight face and stormed outside.

Jin's secretary gave father an envelope and gestured him to open. It had a bunch of documents and contracts. He said ' Jin transferred his shares to your name sir, He also got young master Taehyung's 4% shares. The reason he was out of reach for a week was... He researched and arranged a bunch of credible lawyers to help him find any loop holes so that he could protect your shares. He successfully found one sir. Your shares are inherited from grand father Mr. Kim MoonSae , Am I right sir? The thing is.. He also left a will which said that the inherited shares aren't supposed to be bought or sell, the ownership belongs solely to the grand children. The step mother schemed with your brother and forged his will. That's how they got your shares sir. Jin confronted them with the will and got the shares back. By the will, the shares were given to Jin as he was the sole grand child currently. He then changed those to your name sir. You now own 50% of the company's shares, he convinced all the shareholders including the ones on stepmother's side and turned them favourable to you. He practically saved the whole organization, the company and your dignity as the president sir. Young master Jin liked his father all this while despite him being treated the way he shouldn't have sir. He even asked me to hide the fact that all this was done by him saying that he might be misunderstood again '.

The secretary's words put father in deep thoughts. He realised how much he has messed up his son's life, realised that he has never played the role of father, even though his son saved his life which he didn't really have to, Jin's feelings towards him. He decided to change himself and be the father that Jin never got to have.


Jimin opened his small box and placed the twelfth note in it. He has been receiving them on a daily basis now, all had sweet words written thinking about him. He smiled while reading them again but the smile disappeared soon. Jimin was feeling gloomy as he haven't seen Jungkook for two days. He put that box under the table and woke Taehyung saying ' Tae!! Hobi hyung asked us to come and hangout at his room, it's already 6 past 10. Get up!! You sleepyhead '. Taehyung woke up from his nap and quickly changed his clothes.

' You guys are late!! I told you to be here before 6 pm, Didn't I? ' said Hobi while opening the door for them. Jimin pointed at Taehyung implying that he was the reason they were late. ' Ahh.. Hyung We're sorry for being late. See, We bought beers as a compensation ' said Taehyung smiling and acting cute to escape. Hobi forgave them and invited them inside. ' Yoongi hyung!! You're here too? ' yelled Jimin and hugged him. ' What the hell, the Kitty hyung is here? ' yelled Taehyung removing his shoes and ran inside to hug him. ' Stop it you guys, you're suffocating me. Good to see you both btw ' said yoongi smiling at them. Jimin poked his tongue out teasing yoongi and sat on the couch and realised that someone was sitting on the other end. ' Jungkook hyung? ' said Jimin and smiled at him. His heart was pushing him to say that he missed him and he wasn't brave enough to do that. ' Hey Chim! ' said Jungkook and moved near to Jimin.

Jimin just stared him wanting to kiss his fluffy cheeks. ' I missed you ' said Jungkook while caressing him. Jimin couldn't believe that Jungkook missed him too. He became shy and silently muttered ' I missed you too '. Jungkook heard him and smiled at how cute he was.

' Hyung, Where have you been these two days? ' asked Jimin. ' I went to my hometown to visit my parents, and I needed sometime to clear my head too ' said Jungkook. ' Why hyung? What's bothering you? ' asked Jimin. ' It's not something... It's someone actually. You like anyone Jimin? ' asked Jungkook. Jimin panicked at the sudden question and hesitantly shaked his head saying no. Jungkook looked at him held his hand and said ' If I say I know that you're the one who texted me, Will you admit that you like me?....


AN : I gave up on the titles, maybe I'll rename them after I finish the story 💪🏻. How's your life going guys? Mine's a mess as always, I'll be going to my university again to attend my semester exams 😢


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