25 - BIL

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My Black moon - NamJin


' You ready man? I'm at the lobby of your dorm ' texted Namjoon while grabbing a drink from the vending machine. Jimin tapped his shoulders and said ' Let's Go Joon, Wait! Why am I invited to the basketball match homie? Where's Jin? '

' Uhh! He got a modelling gig today. Hobi hyung asked me to go there instead of him to cheer yoongi hyung and you love basketball too. So, why not man? ' said Joon getting his drink stolen by his bestie while he was searching for the tickets. They settled down in their seats. ' So whose playing? ' asked Jimin. ' I think it's K-Tigers vs K-eagles ' said Joon.

' Yoongi hyung is playing for eagles I see... I'm getting intuition that we'll lose today Joon ' said Jimin mocking him. ' I don't think so, Tigers are good but have you seen our team play.. Damn they're hella good and we got our center yoongi in the game today chim... Wanna bet? ' said Joon smirking at him. ' You think so... So, What's the bet? You lose.. Then upload all your rap covers to SoundCloud and in your YouT**e channel too! ' said Jimin waiting for his reply.

'  What the hell? OK! Then you lose... Confess to your crush! ' said Joon chuckling seeing Jimin turn pink.

' Man! Why are so obsessed with me confessing? I don't have any crush Joon ' said Jimin glaring at him. ' OH! Come on chim, You think I don't know... So, Deal? ' . They then fist bumped yelling DEAL.

The match was fierce throughout the end, both the teams caught up whenever the other got points. They had a minute left but Jack scored at the last second with the MC yelling ' The K-eagles won the match! '. Jimin face palmed thinking why he always ends up doing ridiculous bets.

' Joon... I don't think I can confess. On a serious note, I like him but  I don't feel confident telling him that, insecure and feel like I'm not supposed to... ' said Jimin looking gloomy.

' No Chim! Look at yourself... Handsome, cool. And you're  literally an angel boy, whoever gets to be with you. They're the luckiest man! So get your sassy ass up there and confess to your man. He seems like a nice hyung, so it will work out... Trust me chim! ' . Jimin nodded saying he'll think about it and they went to the cafeteria.


There's a reason to why Jimin feels like that when he likes someone.

Flashback ~

Jimin had liked someone in the past. Namjoon wasn't the only best friend he had, they used to be a trio, the group's last member was Jayden kim. They used to be so close and cringey that they called themselves TripleJ , Jimin-Joon-Jay. Jimin just loved how Jay was kind and gentle with him. He started to catch feelings for him, then he decided to confess on his birthday as a surprise. But, the reaction was the opposite of what he imagined, Jay got angry after Jimin said he liked him. He yelled at him and almost hit Jimin but Joon came in time to stop him. Jimin got silent treatment from Jay for a week after the incident, he tried to explain but Jay never gave him a chance. Then, he stopped coming to school. They then found that Jay transferred to a school in seoul. The incident left a big impact on Jimin. He never liked anyone or accepted any proposal during the whole high school days. But he was getting better and close to his past self as time went by. Namjoon and his other friends helped him to feel better and confident again. He changed to his past cheerful and sassy Jimin.


TaeEun silenced his annoying alarm and pulled his blankets but he felt something heavy, he opened his eyes to see yoongi sleeping besides him. He got up and yelled ' YOONGI HYUNG? ' . He answered ' why are you shouting from the morning? It's a weekend for god's sake Minjun ' and slowly opened his eyes. ' You stayed hyung? ' asked TaeEun. Yoongi nodded and checked his phone. ' And who's that minjun..? ' said TaeEun in an annoyed tone while picking the pillows on the floor. ' Minjun... Ah! He's my roomate, he always nags me to wake up early. Who gets up at 7 am for an 8.30 class? ' whined yoongi while yawning and rubbing his eyes. ' When do you wake up then hyung? ' asked TaeEun. ' Well.. 8 am maybe ' replied yoongi.

' Damn! Hyung you're lazy, that explains why you're late for most of our classes '  said TaeEun chuckling at him, he looked at yoongi's bed hair and puffy face thinking he's kinda cute and looks like an adorable cat. He then went to shower. And Yoongi went to the kitchen to cook some hangover soup for TaeEun.

AN : another update 🥱🥳 , At this point idk what I'm doing with the plot 😆🥺

Any guess on Jimin's crush?

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