21 - Truth reveal

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My Black Moon - NamJin


' Hey Jin! Have plans after classes? If you don't, Let's go out ' asked Joon searching for his socks.

' YEAH! I do. And I almost forgot to tell you... I will be late tonight so you can lock the door Kim Namjoon ' said Jin packing his bags.

Jin has been ignoring Joon, maintaining distance from him and has made a habit of staying at TaeEun's or Vmin's instead of his dorms at nights. He thought it would best to avoid Joon as he felt awkward around him. And was afraid of his feelings being exposed as he couldn't lie when he looks into his eyes.

' Kim Namjoon? What happened to you Jin? You have been ignoring me for like two damn weeks, You don't stay here at nights. And you always say that your busy or have plans whenever I ask you. You know what! You haven't looked into my eyes for more than a week. You behave strange.. It's not the Jin I know. Did I do anything wrong? Please don't be like this, I miss you ' said Joon desperately looking at Jin. ' You haven't done anything wrong Namjoon, I'm just being ME?! It's just I'm busy these days that's all. Now can you move please, I have classes to attend ' said Jin and dashed out.

Joon felt hurt and more confused thinking what he's done that made Jin this mad at him. He really missed his company. And Jin ignoring Joon drove him crazy. He thought about they would spend time together, he was reminded of TaeEun's date where he was just thinking about Jin and the memories of the kiss flashed back. Joon was determined on finding why Jin is behaving like that with him. He clinged onto him all day asking things, cracking dad jokes hoping that would mend their relationship back.

TaeEun was watching Joon holding Jin's hand, hug him . He felt strange, he was reminded of how he was talking about Jin the last time they went on a date. He looked at them another time, Joon was looking at Jin adorably. It triggered TaeEun he felt his insides burning, he began to doubt whether Joon likes someone else. A tear escaped his eyes on that thought, what TaeEun was unaware of is that someone was watching him with the same tear streak escaping their eyes.

Joon was sad at the fact that Jin hasn't said a word to him despite him clinging to Jin all day. He forgot that he had tests that day cause of the Jin situation. So, he went to library and picked some books to study. He heard kissing and moaning sounds besides the rack he's standing. He peeked to see who that maybe. He saw a tall black haired man. Joon rushed and pulled the man's hand saying ' What the fuck Jin? What the hell are you doing? ' and dragged him to the next rack. ' Namjoon! What are you doing? Leave my hand first, what do you think you're doing?! ' asked Jin in a serious tone.

' What am I doing? Isn't that something you should be explaining Jin? And who was the fucker you were kissing anyways? ' asked Joon in a deep voice and angry tone. ' Stop it Joon, What does it have to do anything with you? Me and Joe kissing.. It's my damn choice ' replied Jin pushing Joon away.
' The hell Jin! Your wish..? What really happened to you Jin? I thought we had something.. Aren't we a thing? ' asked Joon with tears rolling down his cheeks. ' OH NO! Namjoon what is going on your mind? We.. You and Me..? You thought we had a spark, bullshit Joon. You're my roomate and Yeah FRIEND that's all. Joon, We're friends remember!? ' said Jin fighting his tears.

' What..? Friends?! You must be kidding me Jin, Take that back! Seriously Jin, You wanna be friends? ' said Joon leaning on Jin's chest while wiping his tears. ' Yeah, Friends that's want I want. I made my point clear. I'm sorry Joon but I have to leave now ' said Jin and ran towards the entrance. Joon sat down on the floor thinking about what Jin said and devastated that he was dumped even before he could confess.


' Yeah Joon, Where the hell are you? And Why did you miss the test? ' yelled Jimin on his phone.
' I'm outside your dorm ' said Joon in a feeble voice. ' Wait!? Why are you there? You sound- I'll be there soon, tell me what happened ok? ' said Jimin he hung up the call and rushed to his dorm.

Jimin made him sit on his bed and asked ' Now, tell me. I'm sure that something big happened or else you won't be like this. Spill it koala! ' and gave him some warm ginger tea. ' Well,You know Jin has been ignoring me and I don't know why and it's like he hates me all of a sudden, it's been awhile we hangout. And he calls me Kim Namjoon all of a sudden like I'm a stranger...When I asked,he just said he's busy with stuff and I'm not the one who made him grumpy. I went to the library earlier after lunch to get some books. But, I saw Jin kissing Joe. I just got so angry. You know what I like jin, and how could I stay still when he's kissing someone else. I grabbed him and asked that Weren't we a thing. And he said he just wanna be friends. I didn't even get to confess. He must have hated me so much Jimin. It hurts so bad, Why did it have to be like this suddenly? Wish it's all a dream chim! ' said Joon weeping on Jimin's shoulders.

Jimin contemplated on whether to tell him the truth or not but seeing his best friend sad just made him say it. ' Actually, he.. Likes you Joon ' said Jimin patting him. ' Chim! It's not funny and I'm seriously in a bad mood man ' said Joon. Jimin then explained the truth on why Jin decided to hide his feelings. Joon was shocked to hear what Jimin just said ' TaeEun is Jin's brother!? My gosh and I have hope cause he just behaves like this so I could forget him and accept sunbae. Bullshit! Was Jin this dumb? Why would I accept TaeEun when I'm in love with Jin! That idiot for  god's sake. Now, I gotta explain TaeEun that I don't like him and confess to Jin' said Joon smiling like an idiot and screaming in relief.

He then texted TaeEun to meet him at the green building.


' Hey Joonie, What's up? ' said TaeEun holding Joon's hands. He slightly pushed him away and said ' I called you cause I have something to say to you sunbae ' . TaeEun nodded implying to say.
' Well... The confession I can't accept it sunbae. I just see us as Sunbae-Hoobae and nothing else. I'm sorry to say this but I hope you understand ' said Joon and left the place.

[ Time skip ]

Yoongi just finished his shift and stopped by the bakery to buy some bread. He was on his way back to the dorm. He stood at the bridge looking at the moon and the night sky thinking how pretty it looks. He tilted his head and saw someone sitting near the river, his back oddly looked familiar. He went down and tapped the person.


AN : I know it's a long nd boring chapter 🤐 but I had to 👀

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