Harry and I watch Gemma walk into her bedroom and gently close the door behind her. "My mum' s old room or the lounge?", Harry looks back at me. I think for a moment. "Whatever you're comfortable with", I look up at him. "I think the lounge maybe. We can both fit", he licks his lips.

I take a seat in the sofa after rounding up some blankets. I slide my boots off and watch Harry do the same. He plops down beside me. I feel him watching me. "I'm sorry Harry", I say to my lap. He wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Leah, baby I forgive you, alright?", he gives me a chaste kiss on the cheek. I nod slowly, the pressure in my chest easing slightly.

"Have a nap with me then?", he says after a moment of silence. I lean into his chest so he'll fall back onto the sofa. Once we are lying down I nod onto his chest. I look up to see him give a small smile. He pushes the hair off of my forehead. "I love you, you know?", he whispers almost inaudibly. I smirk to myself. "I love you too Harry", I lean up to kiss his jaw. I then nestle my head comfortably under his chin.

After a few seconds I can already hear his soft breathing, a snore escaping every so often. "Don't ever want to lose you", I say quietly before drifting off myself.


I wake to a loud thud, then a high pitched laugh. I'm now lying face down on the sofa, drool pooling around my cheek. I grimace as I wipe it away.

"Harry?", I call, sitting up slightly. No response. "Har...", I start. Another thud interrupts me. I furrow my eyebrows, sitting up a bit more. Where the hell is he?

With a yawn, I stretch my arms over my head, receiving a *pop* from my shoulders. I then pad across the living room towards the source of the loud noise. I start down the hallway when another thud emerges, more giggles. By now I can tell it's coming from Gemma's room.

I crack the door slightly, peeking my head in. Harry and Gemma are standing at the edge of her bed. Gemma's got darts in her hand. Harry holds a beer.

"Hey", I say quietly. They both turn to me in unison. Harry places down the bottle and walks over to me. "Hey sleepy head", he smirks. I step into her room just as Harry places a kiss atop my head. "I guess I slept through the hangout fest?", I breathe a laugh. "Nah I was just watching how shitty Gemma is at throwing darts", he laughs. Gemma squints as she pretends to throw one at him. "You'd miss anyway", Harry sticks out his tongue.

Yes, this is my Harry, playful and quirky. It seems like we are back to normal. No tension is evident in the room.

Harry grabs my forearm and leads me towards Gemma's bed. He pats the mattress. "Take a seat", he smirks. I listen, and shake my head with a laugh. "You're in a chipper mood", I cross my legs. "Is that a bad thing?", he asks with wondering eyes. "Of course not. It's a great thing", I giggle. "Well good", he then turns to Gemma. "Lemme have a go", he reaches for the darts. He turns back to me once she's handed them to him. "I'll show her how to really do it", he says in the cockiest way possible.

While rolling her eyes, Gemma takes a seat next to me. "Go on then Mr. Know-it-all", Gemma retorts. "Where'd you find this old dart board anyway?", I ask Gemma, once Harry throws the first dart, which is slightly to the left of bullseye. "Found it when I was packing up some stuff back in London. Figured I could use something to keep up with the boredom", she shrugs her shoulders. I nod in understanding.

As we watch Harry do surprisingly good, I hear my phone ring from the other room. "Shit", I say aloud, scrambling to my feet. My dad. Shit my dad. "Wha..", I faintly hear Harry say.

I run into the living room and scoop up my phone from the floor. I hit "accept". "Hello", I sound out of breath. "Leah you said you'd call hours ago. Why are you out of breath?", he reprimands. "I fell asleep. I'm sorry", I huff. "I just ran to my phone. That's why I'm out of breath", I say. "I thought you said you were sleeping", he tries. "I was, but I just woke up. When I heard the phone ring, I remembered, and knew it had to be you", I say. There's a long pause. I hear Harry walk in behind me.

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