Twins take a lot of space.
And they need a lot of food.

I put on weight since the beginning of my pregnancy, which is totally normal, but I hope it's going to go off after I give birth.

I want to breastfeed my children.
I hope I would be able too, because it's a lot of work, but I really want to, and I am also hoping it helps to lose the weight.

Maxon and I worked an hour or so more when I decided I wanted to take a small break :
" I need a break." I said.

He lifted his head up from his work and said : " Of course, darling. I will finish it for you if you want."
" No, no. I will do it after. I just need a ten minute break that's all." I replied.
" But America, I can..." he started saying
" I will finish my work Maxon. Don't worry for me. I'm just going to walk for a bit in the gardens." I repeated.
" Okay..." he said " I stay here, or I won't be able to concentrate again."
" Alright." I said as I stood up, kissed him on the cheek and walked to the gardens.

Spring was coming, and we could see the leaves growing back on the trees.
It was really pretty.

It was warm and sunny outside, the birds were even singing, as I walked into the gardens, before I heard his voice.

" Good afternoon, your Majesty ." Sir Hidson told me.

I turned around and saw him : he was wearing a blue suit, which was really fitting with his green eye.

" Hello, Sir." I said back
" Taking a little break ?" He asked me.
" Oh. Yes. I like coming here after work. But just for ten minutes, I have to meet Maxon up, in the office to finish my work."
" I thought you would be resting, since you're pregnant." He started " But I forgot who you were : Queen America, the stubborn fighter." He said smiling.
I laughed. " Do people call me like this ?"
" Well, not everyone, but a bunch of people in the NMCs, call you like that, it's true." He replied.
" And you are a part of these bunch of people ." I said, smiling.

But suddenly, his face became more serious :
" Could we go talk somewhere more private ?" He asked me.
" Yeah... we could go here " I answered, pointing toward the corner of the garden, where there was a bench " it's off the gardens."

He nodded, and followed me, to the bench.

" So what is it about ?" I asked him.

He sounded hesitant, before he blurred out :
" I think we feel the same way."
" What do you mean ?" I asked, wondering what was he talking about.
" About... about you and me, your Majesty."

Him and me ?
What was it with us ?
Nothing ?
Did he... did he felt something for me and thought it was ...
Wait...What ? No !

" I feel something for you, and I think you do to." He said, getting less hesitant
" Wait ? No ! I don't feel anything for you ! Why would you think this ? I am in love with my husband and I assume I never let you think different !" I exclaimed.
" Listen, your Majesty, I know you are scared, but we could run away. I could save you, you know." He continued .
" From what ? You don't need to save me ? I-I don't want anything to do with you Sir. Sorry if you misunderstood, but I don't feel anything toward you." I said, not knowing how I would get out of here.

And then, without any hesitation, he leaned toward me and kissed me.

I felt surprised at first, and thought I heard a gasp, but I soon forgot about it, as I jerked him off.
" What the hell ? Get off of me !" I shouted.

We were in a place in retreat, so the guards couldn't really hear us.

" I don't know what are you thinking right now, but this is unacceptable ! I am the queen, and I told you how I felt ! I am married to my husband, the king, and if you lay one more finger on me I will tell him !" I continued, shouting.

He looked at me with a hurt looked, before it got angrier. " Alright, then !" He spit out. "You gave me no choice ! You are going to regret this, your Majesty ." He finally said, walking away from me.

I was too stunned, I didn't say anything.

Did he threaten me ?

Maybe I should tell Maxon.
What was sure, was that I needed to go back in the office.

When I finally opened the door, and walked in, Maxon was still at his desk, working.

" Hi, darling, your back. Ready to continue ?" He asked.
" Hum... Maxon, I think I need to tell you something." I started to say, but before I could go any further, a knock came on the door, and the person didn't wait for us to say to come in.

It was Daphne.

" Maxon, I need to tell you something ." She said, looking at him, before seeing me.
" What is it ?" Maxon asked her.

Daphne's gaze went from me,
to him, before she said :
" Well, I thought you were alone, but since it's about her" she said looking at me, disgusted " It's okay."

Maxon frowned. " What do you mean ?"
" Well, I just saw your precious wife, the queen, kissing someone else in the gardens, who was obliviously not you." She let out like a bomb.

It was her who gasped.

Oh gosh.

This was a huge misunderstanding.

Maxon's face dropped.

And I wanted to ripe Daphne's hair.


Yes, girl.
I want too.
If you want to ripe Daphne's hair, vote and comment.
Love you.

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