Kai: Dad! Mom said she needs a squash for dinner tonight.
Jooheon: Coming right up!

He smiles at the vegetable, pride written all over his face. Im happy he's happy.

When we go into the house Yeonjun and Changkyun is helping out mom in the kitchen.

Changkyun: Got the squash?
Jooheon: Got the beef?

Dad holds up the packages of steak.

Changkyun: I also have the beef.
Jooheon: Disgusting.
Changkyun: That's not what your wife said.

The wife in question turns around to stare daggers at the two men who freeze in place.

Mom: Wonnie my love, can you help your brother chop up vegetables?
Wonnie: Sure thing! Where'd Kai go?
Yeonjun: In the living room playing video-games with dad, while dad takes a nap.

Sometimes, more like all the time "dad" gets confusing. But because I know their mannerisms and behavior...

Me: Video games with Minhyuk and Shownu is sleep?
Yeonjun: Boom.

The door bursts open and my parents' long time friends charge in.

Changkyun: Lee from..-
Lee: Don't even finish that sentence!
Mom: But the nickname is gold!
Lee: In the monsta series yes, but this is the link series.

Lee from starship entertainment hates his nickname.  RJ walks in yawning and stretching, he pauses to slap Yeonjun in the back of the head.

RJ: We came for food.
Mom: Of course, you guys never visit to say hi anymore.
Jay: Lies! We tried to stop by a few weeks ago but Wonnie wouldn't open the door.

My mom looks at me and I shrug.

Me: I had a migraine and they looked loud.
Mom: Fair enough.
Jay: How is that fair! You're raising a demon seed.
Mom: Do you want to eat or not?

The men zip their lips.


Keeho's point of view

My dad sighs as my mom goes over her checklist a few more times. We're taking a trip to Japan to visit my Aunt Nani. She moved back there a few years ago so it's been a while since we've seen her due to everyone's schedules.

Dad: Elena for the love of God, if you don't come on I will leave you.
Mom: Boys do you have your sunblock?

Leedo and I exchange glances.

Dad: Yeah we're leaving her.

I personally don't mind airplanes but Leedo on the other hand acts like he's on a highway to heaven. So in order to comfort him I bring out my book of useless knowledge.

Me: Did you know kinks are linked to be hereditary?

He cringes.

Leedo: Who the fuck starts a conversation like that?
Me: Just think about it, for instance..-
Leedo: I absolutely will not think about it!
Me: Uncle Seonghwa has a dominating aura, you can't say you don't feel the same thing spilling from Hwasang.

My twin bangs his head against the seat.

Me: Jennie likes making Chenle bleed for the sake of her blood infatuation, so maybe Uncle Yeosang is a sadist.
Leedo: I'm going to puke.
Me: Okay well hold it in bestie because I'm just getting started.


"I'm not having kids."

"Kids scare me."

"Hell nah."

Words that were said a lot in the past years of our favorite characters but now they're parents with special kids. They taught their kids all they could, warned them all the things the real world could and would do.

Before they even thought of having kids they hope they taught their favorite readers something as well.

Sexual exploration is normal, it's healthy. Having links is normal and healthy, just always be safe and always get consent.

Heartbreaks happen but don't let that destroy the beautiful soul you are.

Never settle, there's a love waiting for you.

Oh and it's possible to love and have BOTH.


🎬 CUT!

that's a wrap you guys.

where to start, where to start...

this took forever for me to finish because i had a heavy death just happen in my family, so i've been really emotional lately.

when sad or depressed writing has always been my escape so here i am, not to mention i absolutely love you all and would protect you with my life.

thank you for always sticking by me and i hope to keep seeing you all as my writing continues.

these characters maybe fictional but best believe they're rooting for you all bc they are apart of me.

- Rocky <3

What's a kink? Part two!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin