Pissed off Hunter

Start from the beginning

Nagato: Battle maniac...

Zuikaku: What?! Nagato-sama, did you really need to call m-

Mutsu: Hold that thought Zuikaku...does anyone hear that?

They all quieted down and listened in, and while none of them originally heard anything, they soon did.

Heavy footsteps were echoing in the room, and whoever they were owned by is marching down the halls. The steps were slow but strong, so it was obvious they were pissed.

Yorktown: I wonder who's riled up now...? Might be Washington right?

Hornet: Can't be, she gets cranky early in the morning and it's noon now

Nagato: Enterprise?

Yorktown: She doesn't wear boots...now that I think about it, does anyone wear boots?

Hornet: I mean...some people wear metal Greaves, and some sneakers, but I don't recall anybody wearing heavy duty boots


Shinano: I think...our Hunter is...unwell

They turned to her, and saw the faint smile painting her lips as she closed her eyes, possibly using her visions to see who it was.

Nagato: Azra-, I mean Prinz Eugen?

Shinano: Yes...but call her...Azrael still...she prefers it

Hornet was the first to stand up, walking over to the door and looking out into the hall. She saw Azrael walking down it, and she didn't look happy at all.

Hornet: Hey Azrael, you uhh...you doing okay?


Azrael walked right by her, and while Hornet was looking at her back confused, the rest were watching from the doorway.

Hornet: Hey...if there's a problem, you can tell us, remember?

She jogged up next to her, looking at the mercenary who still didn't acknowledge her.

Hornet:...Eugen, are you feeling well?

Azrael still didn't answer and continued walking.

Hornet: Listen, I know what my sister said was bad bu-

Hornet froze immediately, and several gasps were heard as she was slammed into the wall. It didn't hurt her, but the firm grip on her shoulder made sure she didn't move.

Hornet: Hey! What giv-, AHH!!

She was silenced with a scream as a terrifying and wickedly shaped dagger stabbed the wall next to her head.

She was silenced with a scream as a terrifying and wickedly shaped dagger stabbed the wall next to her head

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Azrael: Listen to me Hornet, what your sister said to me didn't put me in the brightest of moods. So if you intend to take a trip to the infirmary and get some nice prosthetics like I have, by all means...keep pestering me...

Hornet was staring at the dagger stuck in the wall, her eyes shrunken as her whole body shook in fear. She refused to look at Azrael as her grip loosened, letting Hornet drop to the floor after her legs gave out under her.

Azrael left the knife in the wall and walked away, leaving the hallway altogether.

Yorktown: Hornet! Are you alright?!

She quickly ran over and wrapped Hornet in a hug, who gripped at her and shook in her older sister's arms.

Nagato: I...didn't expect that

Choukai: But it makes sense doesn't it? What Enterprise said completely insults not only her, but her now dead friends and family. It's no surprise that she's as furious as she is now

Nagato: Well...I hope this get resolved soon. I don't think it's wise to have your allies fear you when we try to work together

Zuikaku: Wait...then what about Taihou and Albacore?


Nagato: That's...a different case

Leaning on the wall at the end of the hall, a mercenary was creeping, creeping and hearing this solemn drawl...

Azrael: Okay, enough with the poem

She smiled as she heard the chaos in the hallway, but also felt a little guilty of scaring the poor girl like that. If anything it deserved to be Enterprise who got that treatment...she'll have to apologize later.

Azrael: Now though...it's time

She brought out a small disk, which she activated and watched as four separate signals from across the globe appeared, two of them were in the very same hallway right behind her.

Azrael: Time for everybody to know the truth...

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